I don't blame you. He is the most bangable zombie I have ever seen.
I don't blame you. He is the most bangable zombie I have ever seen.
Oh my god, that sounds seriously horrible. I am so sorry for everything your family has gone through.
I'm convinced that Anna Wintour never has fun.
It's hard to be Team Peeta. He is a more complex character in the books, but in the first movie he was pretty pathetic.
Yeah it's true, and it's actually really horrible. The stories he has would make you sick. I was shocked because I always think of NY as a really culturally diverse place. They have had multiple incidences when stuff like this has happened.
Yeah the stories they both have would make your stomach turn. It's horrible.
I have a friend who is 1/2 Asian, 1/2 white and her boyfriend is black and she said black women are SOOO fucking racists towards her when they are seen together yelling things like "sell out" and "why don't you date your own kind" and that shit happens in Brooklyn. It's insane.
That's so weird, because the dolls look pretty normal.
I will probably get berated for this, but I do not think Tom Hiddleston is the least bit attractive. Plus as long as Ryan Gosling is alive, he will always be the sexiest man.
I don't really think it's original or funny. It's been done before in funnier ways. However, the lunch video is better.
This reminded me of a real life Mouse Trap (i.e., a favorite game of mine as a kid) and I loved every second of it!
This event is absurd and I can't believe no one thought "hey maybe this is a bad idea". But, with all these news stories recently it makes me wonder how we can teach people what is and isn't appropriate. I have seen so many articles recently that ask "is this racists?" which clearly shows people (even the ones writing…
Yeah I heard North Korea was the inspiration for Mugatu's 2013 fall collection.
I have a question (and maybe the answer is no) but is it possible to throw a shower without having to open presents in front of everyone? For me, sitting there for an hour watching someone open gifts is the worst part.
Answer to your last question: Yes it's on Netflix. However, the theme song was changed from "I Don't Want to Wait" to "Run Like Mad" due to a licensing issue, so it just doesn't feel the same...
It was the VMAs not the Grammys. Plus the article you linked to is pretty much garbage. The title is "Are the Grammys Racist? In Short, Yes" then proceeds to call jazz "whitewashed" and complains that rappers don't win Grammys often enough. Guess what?! Most rap uses a lot of crude language and misogynistic imagery…
I think Katy Perry officially has an issue with up singing (when she holds her hands out and sings into the air). It's the move she does when she is trying to look inspirational.
This is all you need to know about this woman to know you can't trust her.
She is one of the only comedians who consistently makes me laugh. I love her.