
She does hair and it’s a passion of hers. She also takes the girls out to lunch with other influential women in their community. Maybe as an adult, you can say you don’t think there should be value placed on things like hair and make-up, but girls who are growing up are still learning and experimenting with what

Deadspin sure likes to talk a big game and get on its high horse but deep down you know they’re just jealous of the way Barstool has disrupted the online game by...*checks notes* having pictures of girls in bikinis.

So what you’re saying is ... pimpin’ ain’t easy?

tell her not to work for shitty scam schools.

You think a 14-year-old boy doesn’t know about hand jobs..?

Maybe your son would be more comfortable with the “How to Eat Ass” post.

As a special ed teacher, I am... not sure how to respond.

Oh, Angel; you’re back again. Now...

“President Enrique Peña Nieto has reportedly 3,000 soldiers to help, in one case the military blocked a rescue site where a backhoe plowed through rubble where people might have still been trapped.”

Never followed his account but I’m offended based on his use of two adjectives and no nouns.

She’s in her mid-20's; shifts in style and identity should not be uncommon or unexpected. The fact that she’s an entertainer with a public platform just means these shifts are going to be branded so as to be as distinct as possible, and they’re going to happen in public.

Or perhaps just realize that you are likely the only person who even notices these lines and don’t spend money on injecting botulism into your face.

Well. This seems like a well-meaning can of worms.

I’m not making a comment about these kids’ accomplishments, but the whole “it’s a public school” not needing “fancy footwork” and is, therefore, not sufficiently incentivized to cook the books is patently untrue. Anyone remember the “Texas Miracle” during the 2000 presidential campaign when W ran on a platform of

Shooting a giant gun into a serene natural setting while talking about the importance of protecting life may be the most Republican thing I’ve ever seen. Amazing.

This is a hugely important point. This piece is alongside a giant blue chicken and the Cherryspoon Bridge. They construct a mini-golf course in the Sculpture Garden in the summer. Context!

One thing I feel like is missing from these comments and the article. Is that the sculpture was pushed as “part playground.” Can you imagine installing a replica of a Nazi crematorium in the same way and not consulting any Jewish groups?

They’re muslims so thats literally the last thing they would take credit for.

Or, you know, recognize what a waste of energy Twitter slapfights are and ignore them. They’re not gonna be the first people in history to go “oh, I never saw it that way until you came along. I apologize!”

Hey, some of her best friends are tits.