Penis socks are standard for men shooting nude scenes.
Penis socks are standard for men shooting nude scenes.
There is nothing about this anecdote that surprised me except the fact that he also wore facial prosthetics. For some reason, that seems weird. This whole thing seemed like a surreal performance art project, and I look forward to the inevitable matryoshka of behind-the-scenes footage sure to come.
Nothing James Franco does can surprise me, except if he were to suddenly stop behaving bizarrely.
Not being a dick is a good stance. Now on the forever alone thing, just do things you like, y’know, in public. Try new things that you find potentially cool as well. The odds of your interests overlapping with someone else are better than you think.
Because he makes people with no taste feel smart.
A beef that is all the more awesome for its silliness.
It’s said about 118 times in Django Unchained.
The Senators on Twitter are so mad. This is a farce.
That tax bill right now is probably the worst and most urgent thing happening. I know everything is being swallowed up by Flynn but goddamn are they about to ruin a lot of people’s lives with that horrible bill.
Fuck Twitter. Fuck Twitter so much.
I was out at dinner the other night and the host overheard our table discussing sexual harassment and said, “If I was rich, I would be in big trouble!”. That just twisted my brain in so many ways I can’t even count. Did he mean he thinks people only cry harassment to get money, but at the same time he seems to know…
A kind of dry, flavorless evil...
My money says that the perpetrator ratio is higher. I don’t want to assume your gender, but experience, and the abundance of unsolicited dickpics says that alot of dudes think that they get a pass.
He looks like one of those ventriloquist dolls that’s just waiting to be possessed by an evil spirit.
Kushner has the look of someone who blankly stares at the wall whenever no one else is in the room.
If you’re feeling butt hurt about this, you’re probably part of the problem.
I once made this observation about the way my husband treated me that I think is applicable.
So much trash.
Growing up men are endlessly praised as special, handsome, intelligent, and that women will love them.