I don’t care what she does, fuck Jill Stein right in the ear.
I don’t care what she does, fuck Jill Stein right in the ear.
I hate the man so much, I had to hunt down an extension just to block his face on the internet for a week. Wearing his silhouette is too big a step, sry.
I don’t want to wear that face on my boobs, on my ass is different story . fart noise
This! There’s no plot! Killing people isn’t plot! I watched loyally for six seasons, but I threw in the towel after episode two of this season. I hate to leave Michonne behind, because I love her, but they aren’t working towards anything or building towards anything or going anywhere. I live in Atlanta, and at this…
It’s also a great way to turn a profit.
This woman and her husband just about literally own the GOP legislature in Michigan. Never has there been a more singular destructive force in Michigan politics as the DeVoses.
If you haven’t read World War Z, give it a go. Still my favorite take on it and it checks all your boxes you list. And it has hope in humanity in there.
Robert Kirkman says he is ending the comics at volume 300 (I think they are in the 150s or something right now) and the show is going to stretch this out as long as possible. They haven’t even caught up to the comics yet (unlike Game of Thrones which has caught up to George R.R. Martin’s books).
Ditto. All they can do is have the bad guys be moooooore cruel and the main characters be more depraved for the “greater good” of their particular group. Lost may have ended in a colossal blue balling shit show that made me regret watching it, but at least it had an end game. That end game was dumb as hell, but it…
Kirkman said a long time ago he wanted to continue to comics basically forever/until people stopped reading them. I think he’s pulled back on that statement since AMC will be ending it at some point.
Yeah, I think at this point I am looking for a happy ending. I really say this thinking about all zombie movies and shows. I want to see civilization return, attempts to wipe out the zombies, maybe a cure to prevent more zombies, nation building, etc. I mean what happens when survivors from Mexico clear an area and…
I think going to Washington D.C. was the last time they had a purpose, and that was a few seasons ago. Man, remember Noah Emmerich’s character at the center? Was that the same show?
This is my main reason for quitting. They are clearly dragging it out to maximize ad revenue. This would not have been so apparent 10 years ago, but now, basically every show, even the hits, state their end game timeline. I predict (not so bravely) that this thing will limp along until it doesn’t pull enough eyeballs…
^^^^ Exactly. It could literally go on forever as there truly is no end game.
They should cast a monkey sidekick. the ratings will skyrocket. That idea is free, AMC.
Maybe because Negan reminds us a little too much of a certain person who was recently elected? I like to work out my anxiety by getting scared of imaginary zombies, not have it amplified by getting scared of an imaginary dictatorial narcissist.
From what I understand, the KKK are just enthusiastic supporters of the eleventh letter of the alphabet.
Accountability is for nerds
No, but I never claimed to. All I said was that you should put your thumb back up your pooper.
Okay, let me say before I say anything else that I speak solely for my own half-Native self and nobody else. And this is just how I feel, personally.