
Acclimatizing to a new environment takes probably around a month or so of living in it, you're going to be extra cold for a while until you get used to it. (I know from experience dealing with the opposite temperature difference) A few tips in cold weather to to make sure you have high quality hats to keep your head

The article says "CarrierIQ is confirmed to be found on the iPhone" but I'm haven't seen any definitive evidence that that is true. Of course it's probably a lot harder to find than on android if it is, but I haven't seen anything concrete.

As cool as this possiblity is, it seems to me to only support major airports. For example, there are three pretty decent sized airports in Iowa and none are "available" on the site. It looks slick to me but until it supports more airports it is of very limited use. (for me anyway)

I did it in college a few times, I never much cared for how I felt for the rest of the day. I always felt drained (pun intended) and after a few weeks the money wasn't worth the hassle. On the flip side I know a guy that does it twice a week every week and has no problems at all, so your mileage may vary.

Does this need network connectivity to work? That would be a bit of a bummer but I can understand why it probably would.

3.1 is coming out now for verizon Xooms and other tabs in the coming weeks. It is still Honeycomb. No version number was mentioned for Ice Cream Sandwich but it is NOT 3.1. I just finished watching the stream.

Aren't push notifications easier on the battery than frequent pulls? Sure if you only update once every few hours it might be better, but if you set it to retrieve every 10mins or 30mins won't that end up using more battery than if you just had it push them?

GoodReader is one of the big apps that I'm missing since I moved from IOS to Android about a year ago. It's performance is unparalleled in pdf viewing in my opinion. Come on over to Android GoodReader, we'd love to have you!

Pull out the hot filter and turn it into an IR camera! Doesn't always work, but for an old camera it's worth a shot.

I haven't had to take out my sim before, just put the phone in airplane mode, then manually turn WiFi on and go back to the market. I'm on AT&T with a Nexus One.

at the bottom of your facebook events page there is an "export events" button, click that and copy the url. Paste the url in your google calendar as a new calendar and your events will show up in google calendar (except private events, which just show some generic "event" with the appropriate time block unfortunately)

I'm a big fan of what Honeycomb appears to be bringing, but I would like to see pen style input as well as touch. I think I'd use it for drawing and writing more if that were the case.

Vote: Newsrob, works better than Google Reader IMO.

I was totally pumped about that sunrise simulator until I saw that

One problem I've noticed with moving apps to the SD card is that for some reason their widgets seem to stop functioning. I'm not sure if it has something to do with running CM6 with the ADW launcher or an inherent problem with 2.2. Anyone else have this problem?

I blame Google's overuse of the "beta" moniker for lulling the masses into believing experimental software is perfectly harmless. Beta means don't expect it to work all the time people.

I like Everpaper for my Instapaper Android Client; it has offline reading capability, syncing with instapaper, a "share via" menu option and you can also send items to Evernote. Sounds like all the good of Paperdroid and Read Later rolled into one. I say sounds like because I've had no need to try those other two apps

@tedknaz: I've used acast with some success, it can pull in your feeds from google if you want, has video support, better syncing and downloading. But the streaming is sub-par in my opinion. I've found Listen does better streaming, but it's not perfect either.

@milrtime83: Spare parts access a fair amount of this same info, the battery and usage statistics both come from the same service menus.

I tried quite a lot of them on my Nexus One and really the only one that seemed to work is the one above that I have already used in other instances; seems odd that there are so many codes that don't do anything on some phones.