
The MT-03 headlight looks good on any bike.

Reminds me of when “Mad Max” had to put up with a gobby little whippersnapper on the #46 Nastro Honda!

Tom Clancy’s “Brown Note”


I’m calling it right now.

Whose going to take care of this erection Sean? Who?!?

So it’s 6 months of not having to‘right click, open in incognito window’?

Finland’s hottest video is

On a motorcycle, some people in cars don’t like you. On a bike, everyone hates you.

Monster s2r and s4r, s4rs

I don't know why, but the minor vandalism on the glove just got me in the feels. All the rides he's taken, all the people he's met, all the colorful characters who left a signature story on his hands, lost.... like tears in rain.

I would generalize to say that the effects of a prank are, by definition, temporary and reversible. For instance:
Moving a friends car from one parking space to another so they think they are crazy - Classic prank.
Driving a friend’s car off a cliff - Not a Prank.


I used to play pretty seriously. The rules are simple. The main goal is to achieve “The Queen’s Errand,” or have the most netted balls by the end of the crow’s watch. If the pepper is placed in your path, you have to wheel the cranberry using only the poetic side of your bike. The lines on the court indicate the

I understand what the intent is, but that doesn’t mean that there’s a point to it or that it works as intended. You may also want to consider that in a case like the one you mentioned, the courts are not infallible, and there may be persons on the other side of the issue who have been or might yet be wronged, and are

The “right to be forgotten” is poorly conceived and the fact that people try and confuse it with the right to privacy is even more confounding. The people who thought that de-listing search queries is a good idea, are at best simpletons.


Chimichangas are the path to the dark side. Chimichangas lead to sharts, sharts lead to mud butt, mud butt leads to suffering.

honestly some do...

If the government can't tell a business how to conduct itself, I as a butcher can sell you rotten meat and there's nothing you can do about it. Or fake medicines. Or a car with a rolled back odometer.