
You certainly sound tough. I'm going to guess you are under 30 and have no kids. Someday you may be responsible for other people and you may find that life (even the lives of assholes) are not worth endangering over petty road rage. By the way, acting like a tough guy while you are surrounded by a few thousand pounds

Do you also trip people who are running near the pool? Do you try and clip jaywalkers with your car to teach them a lesson? You are supposed to drive safely and not engage in road games. Period. Playing batman may turn out badly for you one day.

Ah yes. I see the sense now. Keep on making the world safe for the rest of us then batman.

Hey jerk. You are not batman either. Call the cops (from your hands free phone) and continue driving safely to your destination.

I created this account just to call you a jerk. Quit trying to be batman. Jerk.