You Also Have A Pizza


The same poster with Seven of Nine’s tits has Quark on it. Maybe you were just distracted?

Pressing charges would be a favor to the next person this raging idiot injures.

Heck, I’d sue for lost sleep, nightmares, emotional distress and PTSD. I’d settle for 100K and a lifted Excursion, though.

OMG, why do people back down from this? I would travel to court every day for a month to ensure this man went to jail. I mean come one, dude tried to murder you on the side of the road for NO REASON, he needs a nice stay in one of California’s terrible correction facilities. This is why people are hyper aggressive on

Go figure.


you’re fun at parties, huh?

I’m surprised people care or pay attention to the author. I read a synopsis of the book, have a look at the reviews, then decide whether I’m going to read it. The author’s name doesn’t even factor in, let alone race or gender.

Before issuing a WARNING, you should really either read the text or watch the video. Preferably both, but definitely not neither.

No, that’s not how it works. You wrote a comment following a blog post. It is meant to be responded to. The whole point is that people respond to one another. I disagree with your opinion and I’m writing my own comment to you.

And that type of thinking makes you a bigot.

Having a rough day, Bunny?

I’m sorry you feel that way, Sweetie.

While I will admit that a 50-year age difference gives me pause, how does this make Wofford a predator of any kind?

Luckily, you don’t have to!

it’s these guys

Looks like “Baby” Chuckie from Shameless, pre-swastika

I had not encountered the term “husky” until I moved to the U.S. I like it. Husky. HUSKY.