no it didn’t
no it didn’t
Actually they don’t, black dogs have the hardest time getting adopted out of all the dogs.
bye bitch
yuck, kill yourself
>Do you ever compromise with your spouse about things?
Do they let the help use the internet during events?
natural selection, kiddo
blacks gonna black tho
And here is why this generation of kids will be the biggest bunch of pussies on this planet. “Coping strategies”, oh yuck
Are you for fucking real? Ever been to the Lower 9th Ward?
Both of those stories were made up, nice try tho
well, the kid’s not black so it’s a wonder you give a fuck about him
“I wasn’t even trying to cross-check him with a serious amount of force.”
ah, I remember being 12 and thinking I was edgy
I’m sure she is hurting so bad (with her paycheck in hand)
Sure, look like an old lesbian instead.
Apples and oranges, you fucking cunt
because he is on the spectrum and can’t form meaningful relationships