You Suck, McBain!

if it *were the size of the sun


I’m going to guess that you actually are obese.

Would that be cleaner or dirtier than the Allegheny?

“broke a guy’s neck” lmao nope

Oh, 3 years, please tell us more about how you’re an expert

“Oh, you’re from Boston? Fuck you then.” — Hamilton Nolan and pretty much the rest of Gawker Media

uh, what?

You’re a dumb fuck. Something that never changes as time goes on.

Wow, you are so deep and complicated, wow, whoa


And here you are, commenting on Deadspin. Weird, huh.

How about killing yourself? Give that a try.

Because it didn’t happen.

The 2013 SCF game 6... you mean the game where Patrice Bergeron had to get a nerve-blocking injection for a broken rib... oh the one where he played with a punctured lung too?

Choke is a little strong, the Blackhawks were just better.

Not incredible enough, though. Better luck next year!

lolololol that’s greattttt omg

oooh sick burn, blanco nino

Wikipedia says it, it’s gotta be true