He’s a blogger.
He’s a blogger.
Anytime it’s mentioned about how racist Boston is, just remember what city it was that enacted Stop-and-Frisk. Not Boston.
The 49ers were never going anywhere, so there was never anything more important for him to focus on.
Yup, anything outside 495, really.
“If you want to help America right now, help Americans. Volunteer in your community. Feed the hungry. House the homeless. Tutor a kid. “
I wonder how many people are getting laid off because of the price reductions. Hey as long as they’re not white it’s probably okay.
My eyes are rolling so hard they almost flew out of my head. Stop parroting talking points from Hamilton Nolan.
Well I’d guess you’re still excited and still a fan because you’re a normal person who can separate sports and entertainment from reality and actual world events - you know, things that don’t matter vs. things that do, respectively
How is Hernandez their fault?
It’s plenty liberal, you’re just living out in the sticks with the rubes and yokels.
Oh now we’ve moved on to the “Little Libertarian Starter Kit”, how adorable.
No they’re not, idiot
“I want socially moderate policies and fiscal conservatism”
Ah yes, the political stance of every 16-year-old who just learned about politics.
Sorry you didn’t like murderpan, darkie
Says the person who posts memes to a gawker blog, lol kill yourself
Fuck you and fuck Canada too.
Literally nobody in Boston cares about Casey Affleck.