Jonny Derp

I really hope my pc can run it, what are the system specs?

I really don’t know why uses this player....

Wow, you game haha!

Ok, the main difference on why this is going to be much better is that all the old cast is coming back!!

Frankly I do what I want in crucible. As my dad once said, ‘if you are offended by someone else’s attitude or actions, then it’s your own fault.’

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I was more of thinking of this game soundtrack.....PRAYING FOR A HD REMAKE/SEQUEL.

What about Star citizen? That in itself is rumoured to be 100gb when it’s released

I got a solution.

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You see Angry Joe's review on The Order 1886? He makes some good valid points.

i still play it... :(

The problem is that they could use this as an exploit, your getting shot up about to die. Jump into photo mode!

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Listening to this song with these images is just perfect.

Here's what i learnt from 6-8 years of playing Dota and Dota2. If you take the game seriously, your not going to have fun and just stress out.

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sorry to bust your bubble but national report is a satricle news site. That image is from a teenager who beated a baby to death to stop it from crying.

I use Voice attack with IVONA Salli and it's awesome. You can shout orders and have your ship respond to you. An excellent game.

Trust me, you think Dota community is bad?! Low priority is DOTA 2 HELL!! 6 GAMES OF TORTURE! The foul language!! The feeding!! OH GOD THE FEEDING!!