YoSup is in League with the Raccoon Menace

In English, subject-oriented predicative complements frequently take the accusative case.

They didn’t post the offending image, presumably because they are trolling their readers.

I don’t have kids and even I know that if you have one and they like this show you’ve probably seen it hundreds of times and can recite the dialogue by heart. It’s only a matter of time until someone notices it. Also, 4 four seconds can be an eternity as far as noticing things goes, it’s actually a pretty long time.

The animator responsible was totally childish and inappropriate, and can fairly be fired, but I also can’t get behind parents who are actually outraged at the company like “how could you let this happen?!?”. I mean, it’s not like your kids eyes melted out of their sockets or anything. They’ll be fine.

It’s a different shot. (It’s a crude carving on the inside of a log.) I don’t know why they didn’t post it.

Part of the complication here is what you mean by “mandated”. The dear colleagues letter didn’t technically have any binding force but schools complied with it because it represented the administration’s understanding of Title IX and not complying risked the administration taking action against them. That having been

Are you saying slashers aren’t usually horror?

The former metric will basically always favor recent movies because of inflation so it’s what people promoting movies prefer (since the movies they’re promoting will be new releases). No one really has an interest in using other metrics.

I’m pretty sure the person you’re responding to won’t let facts get in their way of hating a woman and blaming her for stuff.

¿Por qué estás enojadx? Es unx palabrx clarx y apropriadx.

Nah, nah, nah nah nah girl.

People literally blamed the existence of gay people on Disney when they did it

Is his penis coming out of his navel?

She put wife first.

You took issue with characterizing it as a crime based on “context” (although it’s unclear what context you think makes it not a crime), which I understood to be denying it was abuse.

You seem to have lost the thread of this conversation because you are complaining about people telling you you’re pronouncing words wrong when that’s not related to what we were discussing (whether GenAm GOAT is a decent approximation to Spanish /o/ relative to RP LOT).

“Why do you think the English viewpoint is susceptible to this problem and the US one is not?”

To see an example of the process I’m talking about in action, look at the thread about “Pasta”. A person from the UK posted Italians saying “pasta” intending to show that they use the TRAP vowel. Americans are baffled by this evidence because they are “clearly” using the PALM vowel. Of course, Italians don’t use

To elaborate, if it helps you to picture it visually, think of it like this: imagine two points in a plane (or 3D space or whatever) which represent ideal pronunciations of GOAT and LOT and in your accent, then imagine a line dividing all possible vowels intermediate between them in two categories. American GOAT and

In an American accent, the GOAT vowel is the phoneme most similar to Spanish /o/. The LOT vowel in most English accents is, I would say, a much worse match than American GOAT because it is much too low. That you hear Spanish /o/ as more similar to LOT than GOAT is because RP and most other British GOAT is a terrible