YoSup is in League with the Raccoon Menace

The question was why she didn’t go to the police instead of reporting to HR, not about the subsequent lawsuit.

You might have learned about the President’s veto power in civics class. The goal here is actual legislation, not an executive order.

The thing is, most people don’t care. It’s like gun control. That most people want one thing doesn’t change the fact that the minority that wants the other thing is actually going to vote based on it in larger numbers. The only way the DREAM Act happens right now is if Democrats can get enough Republicans on board and

If you’re in Pelosi’s position and you want a DREAM Act, how would you go about accomplishing that?

The police are very unlikely to deal with the kind of fact pattern she describes in any satisfactory way. Also a person in that situation is likely to rationalize it away as “consensual” because they weren’t being forceful enough or reacting in the way they expect a rape victim to act until they get more perspective.

Lower La Llorona is clearly the superior option. Nobody’s giving her a chance.

Omg it’s rigged, burn the system to the ground!

Those are “tentacle” and “arm” as specialized biological terms of art, not their ordinary English meanings.

It’s kind of begging for litigation. States make rules for ballot access but they can’t add qualifications for the office beyond those in Constitution. The Congressional term-limits that the Supreme Court found to be unconstitutional in their case on the issue was technically a ballot access law, not an outright

Do they call it an “acid” attack when people use lye?

If you die on the job your family gets death benefits from worker’s comp.

In languages like Spanish and Italian the words for “siren” and “mermaid” are the same. It’s just that English has the Germanic formation “mermaid” which we normally use when not specifically discussing Greek myths, so whether the Starbucks siren/mermaid is called a siren or a mermaid is largely a choice of what

I thought it was gone after Thrillist! Thank you for informing me otherwise.

“Oh, stop. She called the President a white supremacist. That’s a pretty terrible accusation.”

Your analysis misses what he’s being asked to apologize for: countless racist statements, associating with white supremacists, and empathizing with white supremacists. Honestly even asking for an apology is pretty silly. When someone is caught with child porn we don’t say “apologize or you are a pedophile,” we just

In the modern political environment calling someone a racist - even if they are an actual racist - is more politically incorrect than being an actual racist.

I don’t understand what point you are trying to make unless you think that a tweet from a personal twitter account is closer to a news report than an editorial.

Let me get this straight...

“Ignorance is not grounds for firing”

You’re right, it would have been better for me to choose a word without ableist baggage. Unfortunately I did not consciously consider my word choice or its connotations. I apologize and will try to keep this in mind in the future.