YoSup is in League with the Raccoon Menace

Well, if it’s illegal, it’s not a rule. And the flag thing is usually pretty standard and likely will have to be litigated regardless. Buying the house with the intention of litigating the illegal rule is rational. And complaining about it is also fine, why shouldn’t you complain about your HOA’s illegal conduct. I

So in other words, I, as a person with no journalistic experience whatsoever, understood the situation with on the record/off the record better than the White House Communications Director did (and apparently still does even now that he’s lost his job partly over it). And Trump pushed this guy into this position over

HOA rules can be void as illegal though. Arguing that they are isn’t the same as being ignorant of them. You can’t always contract your way around the law. The law is the law.

“Read shit before you sign it.”

It still counts! He did call her and she was having a hard time.

If that comes out the right will pillory her as a whore, even if they were estranged.

Wait, is on the record/off the record a legal thing? I assumed it was just a matter of journalistic practice. Is he talking about wiretap laws or something?

You know it doesn’t have to be in pill form to work, right?

I mean, you apparently thought he was talking about people you knew, based on your comment.

I take it this is your first Republican administration?

I’m still mad at Nader voters in Florida, personally. I hope they’ve all learned how dumb they are by now.

It’s an insurance company, they wrote him a policy insuring the tour that covered certain things that might cause the tour to be cancelled, such as if he suffered a medical problem. The insurance company is apparently arguing they don’t have to pay because the policy apparently doesn’t cover things that are

With strong verbs, it tends to vary by speaker and dialect. The “basic” pattern that many verbs fall into is i a u for present, preterite, and past participle, respectively, but of course there are many exceptions. “Wring” is one where the preterite getting u is the more common. But the OED attests the a variant

I just got a pet skunk and you would not believe what this awful thing does. I’m trying to exchange him for a better-behaved skunk.

You’re confusing “percentage of demographic with certain view” with “average attitude of member of demographic”.

So are you a lesbian now? Don’t leave us hanging!

Sometimes it makes me wonder what awful policies would get public support just because I don’t understand how garbage people in general are.

Thank you for articulating my feelings so well.

Maybe I’m just living in a bubble, but it really seemed like an obvious misstep to pull this bullshit today. Like, will this really play well for him politically? It’s not ten or twenty years ago.

no rihanna’s a pokemon.