YoSup is in League with the Raccoon Menace

I think it’s because he’s mentally ill.

I started to write a reply where I was going to find an image so I did a Google image search on “sexy panda” but now I just feel like I want to take a bath.

Somebody telling them off got starred by a commenter followed on Jezebel (or the person telling them off was followed).

“Also, your body. Your choice. Your financial responsibility.”

Try not to bite on the ball gag in too threatening a manner.

If you visit your local police station, be careful about knocking on doors. Those are police doors and aggression will not be tolerated.

It depends on the style guide (or here, perhaps the individual author because I’m not sure they have a style guide). Some are strict that numbers below a certain threshold (usually around ten to twelve) should be spelled out and numbers above it are done with numerals. Like you, I’m partial to there being some

This is something that I realized I need to know more to even understand what’s going on, like, this includes non-emergencies? What are they trying to do? Is this controlling appearances? Does it have other regulatory consequences?

Also, if you’re concerned that “agency” is too technical a term, you can talk about “responsibility” or “blame”.

Although the passive is sometimes used to avoid assigning responsibility, the association is pretty overblown. Most passives don’t meaningfully fail to attribute blame and passives are by no means the only way to do that, as this case demonstrates. Other failures to attribute agency that get misdiagnosed as passives

A linguist might call it “obscuring agency” or “failing to attribute agency”, it’s a semantic (meaning-based), not syntactic (how the sentence is put together structurally), complaint.

The complaint isn’t about the “formality”. It’s about the way it seems to studiously avoid any description of what caused her to become deceased (being shot by a police officer).

I realize I’m being obsessive by posting this reply to everyone but that construction is not passive voice. Our schools don’t teach grammar.

It isn’t passive voice. “She was brutally and pointlessly murdered by a cop” would be passive voice, though.

The offending clause is not in the passive voice.

“Became deceased” is not passive voice. The ability to combine with “become” is one of the tests for whether you are dealing with an adjectival passive rather than a true passive, and this isn’t even an adjectival passive because “decease” is not transitive.

Okay, but you also need to consider the car’s feelings. Some cars are very sensitive and you can understand why the police were very protective of it.

That’s why I said it dependable on lots of other stuff.

If they had a consensual relationship that doesn’t permit him to coerce her, but it may be relevant to her credibility when she says she was coerced. But the validity of her claim is only indirectly relevant to his claims.

‘I mean, it sounds like this argument is, “I didn’t do it, someone else did.” If true, that’s pretty reasonable as a legal argument. He could just be blowing smoke though.’