
I feel like he mentioned that he wrote "Mind Games" for laughs at one point, and repremanded Finn when he started spouting PUA-style lines.

Stella from Orange is the New Black comes the closest. She seems at odds with the rest of the show, a hypercool, inpenetrable lust object rather than someone with interiority, a problem exacerbated by Ruby Rose's uninteresting performance. If she comes back next season, hopefully she improves on that front.

I mean, who wouldn't trust a list that previously lauded 'Pan' as a must buy?

TJ and Amal is published by Iron Circus, whereas Iron Spike is the twitter handle of its founder, Spike Trotman.

"Straight for a reasonable rate"

I wish to pay mention to how hilarious Mae finds Alan's cricket bat-weilding heroics. Actually, Mae's pretty fantastic all through this one.

So based on the preview, it looks like Ashildir/Me joined up with the Time Lords in Gallifrey, finally getting her wish to get off Earth and finding a home amongst other emotionally distant immortals.

Though, "between his 12th and final incarnations" has a lot of legroom these days, what with The Doctor having a whole new set of regenerations now.

I'm all for an appearance from David Quirke, if only because it reminded me that 'Problems' was a show that happened: https://www.youtube.com/wat…

I'm so glad the frog onesie wasn't ruined when Steve wore it in the jacuzzi last season.

Arnold is all about thinking things through, often too much, so it seems in character that he'd raise the issue and want to have all the rules and justifications laid out first. Also, he may see being non-monogamous as an escape hatch, just in case.

I totally agree, but even on the looks front I preferred Patrick. Also, he was a decent enough housemate.

Last episode, when Hannah turned up (With Gadsby clearly writing her own dialogue), it made me happy, since it was the most animated she'd been to date and took it as a sign that things were improving. Then I see the opening scene here… welp, that'll teach me.

I'm pretty sure it's a pestle, as in a mortar and pestle, used to grind things into paste or powder. Which is also such a grim joke given the show's food motif.

To hell with you Saxon, I voted for Harriet Jones!

I agree to an extent, though I don't see the conflict - The Doctor to her is a weird stick insect pal who occasionally has some insight but certainly not a repository of wisdom. You know she'd hijack the Tardis herself if she needed her fix of adventure.

Shh… it's okay, I liked it too.
But then I also love 'Love and Monsters', so I guess I have a taste for marmite.

"Let's have a companion who's there because it's the coolest ride in the
universe; one whose life is enriched by the journey, rather than the guy
who drives the bus."

Having consulted experts in the field, it is staggering how many 'E.T. the Porno's there are out there, presumably to the joy of many.

'The Littlest Elf' is such a great running gag in the side material.