
It did start out as a character in a series of children's books in the late 19th century by Florence Kate Upton, and was intended to be a positive magical person, but because she didn't copyright the character it ended up everywhere and became a quintessential icon of blackface.

Wow, what was even left?

I've always been impressed at how efficiently Steven Universe can pack in emotional punch, but that final 4 and a half minutes are incredible - Garnet's freezing up as Steven panics, the anger internal confflict between Ruby and Sapphire (Which Estelle nailed, by the way), Garnet finally coming to terms with the

Connie to the seagulls: "Run back to your masters, tell them we're not afraid of your kind!"
My god I've missed this show.

He's one of the few authors who have written more books than they've read!

I've only seen a little of it, but Superhero Squad seems pretty cute.

Feeling this. I get that the medium is in the middle of some growing pains technologically, structurally and culturally, and will eventually work out how to more effectively create good stories and experiences without having to add the caveat "for a videogame", but this in-between situation is frustrating as hell.

My favourite description of Lovecraft's central paradox goes like this:

I'd also argue Two Girls One Cup, It's notoriety as one of hallmarks of the 00's arms race for internet awfulness is basically mainstream at this point.

So Buck went to a Montessori school. That's a fun little detail.

"See Greg, this is your problem: you want one huge woman when you could have multiple smaller ones"
Marty is awful, but this line coupled with his smirk made me giggle a lot.

Jimminy Jillikers!

I had a similarly difficult introduction to the series with Going Postal* , a book that takes for granted the now well-established world but is also stylistically dissonant thanks to Pratchett's brief flirtation with chapters. It would have been totally alienating if I didn't care so damn much about the characters and

Thing from The Addams Family, implications be damned!

I've heard Scott C. describe the characters in the series as enjoying the fact that they are The Great Showdowns. It's an instant of self-reflexivity, as if to say 'Oh man we're actually doing this, awesome!' where the characters are allowed to bask in the fact that they are immortalised in film and give each other a

While the 'send off' for Nicholas Courtney is a slender thing, as usual with Doctor Who the fandom has delivered this beautiful tribute http://paulhanley.deviantar…

How about the pizza place from Disney's Weekenders? The ever-changing theme and decor would ensure that each visit would be a unique experience, and it's ony a short walk from the beach.