
I can't believe Agents of Shield get 3to4 times more comments then this show. Elementary doesn't get enough love either.

When it gets posted I bet the time says something like 11:30PM last night.

Yes where the fuck is the POI review?

That not terrorist guy looked like a pocket Conan O'brien and Jared Harris rolled into one.

I used to love Parker Lewis Can't Loose, I wonder how it would hold up?

That was popped into my head when saw the article

That guy has some serious non verbal acting chops.

There's a certain point where things get too small to be functional, yeah they should be thinner but display size won't change(or will fingers get super tiny). And I think a lot of people would resist things like implants and wearable heads up displays.

Some people are really bad at sarcasm.

His last name is Brooks? Thats the whitest name ever.

Did he say it like lose my cool was in quotes? If he didn't, he should had.

When I saw the commercials for it; I thought it was the stupidest thing ever. I now know it is the most stupidly awesome thing ever.

Now If somebody could tell me how to find Whats on Tonight. I found it before and left a trail of PBR cans to mark my path but hipsters drank it and made fun of my unironic love of thriftsops. I am now hopelessly lost.

Only 13 hours after the episode, good job new AVClub.


C'mon where is the Sleepy Hollow review? I assume its not up but maybe its some issue with the new format.

I thought the actress that played Vanessa really got that uncanny valley vibe just about right.

Wish AMC would had picked up Locke and Key a few years ago when Fox passed on it favor of Terra Nova. Please somebody leak the pilot.

Shit forgot I had 2 accounts this and moeman, didnt realize I logged into the second one.

Just wanted to see give the same kind of look she gives a shirtless Oliver, maybe make a loose fist and bite on the first joint of her index finger.