
You’re all riled up like it’s Jessica’s picture day...

Luckily, you are one of the very few people that have this opinion about this truly great episode of television.

The fact that these four plotlines all had relatively well-defined characters with well-defined arcs that still managed to keep their own flavour with certain nice inventive twists and resolve them all at the end while tying them neatly together in one big narrative arc and do it all in under 25 freakin’ minutes is

The tight story telling, just, how do you cram so much information into 22 minutes without it being an infodump? I am floored by how talented these guys are at creating stories.

I’ve been critical of portions of this season, but you are off your rocker. Even if this episode was predictable in where it ended up, it was brilliant getting there.

You must be from the Bizarro Universe because I ranked this episode as one of the best of the season. If this ep was that unappealing for you, you might need to move on to another show because I would LOVE to see more of this type of show building.

Now we know what The Wire would have been liked if it was animated and every character was voiced by Justin Roiland.

Oh man, are you the commenter who eats his own shit? You guys, you know he eats his own shit, right?

I think I haven’t seen TV be as ambitious and pulling it off as successfully as this season since the third season of Community (maybe Legion).

This guy gets it^

“This seems like a good time for a drink, and a cold, calculated speech with sinister overtones.”

Call me Noob Noob, because this episode had me like, “God... DAMN!!!’

thanks again, dear reviewer, for telling us watchers who were critical that we were ‘watching it wrong.’ linkety link. the word ‘nostalgia’ underlined as a hyperlink. that will not change the fact that people have different tastes and points of view. believe it or not, one can be a long-time fan of lynch and his

I long reached the point with Lynch where I quit approaching his work with any kind of analytical mind. He deals in abstractions and the whole point of his approach is that you have to experience it, not think through it. Trying to make it make sense defeats the purpose. That’s why episode eight is the standout

  • Naido being reduced to a placeholder for Diane is another example of Lynch’s clumsy sidelining of non-white characters. In this case, she’s not even a character, but a symbol of a character.

“Naido being reduced to a placeholder for Diane is another example of Lynch’s clumsy sidelining of non-white characters.”