I don’t either, but the coming out isn’t for us.
I don’t either, but the coming out isn’t for us.
You’re actually an idiot. Coming out ruins lives, costs careers and seperate familes. Especially when your co-workers and fans think gay people are pedo scum that end up in hell.
Younger generations have a hard time understanding how bad it has been historically. As more and more acceptance of non-hetero orientation is seen in mainstream culture, and thus what is considered ‘normative’ shifts in public perception, people who have never experienced those horrors can’t appreciate how such…
Did you read the article? It’s specifically about why Haywood found it to be important to come out.
Professional sports do a pretty good job at addressing a number of social issues, but have come up short representing gender and sexual identity equality (historically). Good starts recently in the NBA and elsewhere. Great to see professional racers take a stand.
oh i dunno, if nothing else, being a parent offers a pretty good tax break.
Yeah, yeah, I filled ‘em in. Snipe on Antietam in about ‘89 or ‘90. Got busted for gundecking. Decent guy, though. Really handle his beer.
Duh. He’s the quarterback who knelt during the national anthem and was blacklisted by the NFL.
It’s a testament to the Rock’s unholy charisma and good nature that he’s shed this cesspool (even though I loved watching him) without any long term damage
So pretty much all major storylines during the Attitude Era were just thinly veiled efforts by Vince to push his politics and flaunt his crimes, right? I mean, Jesus.
Wish Barry mentioned the pre-game warmup ovations and team interactions as well.
If they’re like the original, they would be in black and white and way more violent.
The 2012 Nick version of the turtles are the best turtles.
I suspect winning 5 Super Bowls as a HC plus being a key DC for 2 more might make people think the guy’s a good coach. Losing 3 in dramatic fashion doesn’t really alter the calculus for me too much.
Wow Three Arc System Works games.
The other thing is...these dudes are not just fucking any woman they stumble across
Your feelings are legitimate and appropriate reactions to something of this nature.
Or the kids have been so sick that they’ve missed a lot of school, not to mention the repercussions of not having access to clean water. And the implication that a parent isn’t “decent” if they couldn’t leave the area is really fucked up, btw. Even middle and upper class people probably have a hard time leaving, how…
Nearly four years after the lead-contaminated water began flowing into the homes of residents of Flint, Michigan,…
Nothing wrong with dating coworkers, in many professions it’s incredibly common such as teaching given the low time for a social life or the nature of the work.