Better to not go after teenagers at all because you’re in your goddamned thirties. Seriously, dude’s a fucking creep either way.
Better to not go after teenagers at all because you’re in your goddamned thirties. Seriously, dude’s a fucking creep either way.
Ehh, all have their different forms of shit.
“This can happen for you!” It’s basic advertising.
Take it away comment section hell!
Wow jeez. I find it difficult to feel sympathy for folks like this. He can claim he didn’t know she was underage, but I’d bet he knew, or at least suspected, and didn’t wanna ask.
Willful Blindness is a thing.
It’s a prefab house. It was probably brought to the site on a semi, or a dually pulling a big trailer. I imagine that’s how it was taken away.
We were planning on seeing Black Panther on opening day, but a friend’s is having a birthday a couple of weeks later and his SO wants us to go with them then as a birthday “gift.”
Not only did she explicitly say she didn’t want it in her deposition testimony, not only was she drugged, but having sex with a 13 year old is also a crime in France, where Polanski fled, and in Poland, where he was born, (and it was for both of them in the 70s too.)
There are no fucking words after that, none. He’s finished, done. I’ve heard some attempted defences of people over the course of the post-Weinstein saga but never anything so extraordinarily disregarding of what actually happened as this with Tarantino wanting to be a pedant about the legal definition of rape all of…
It’s like hating Duke. It just feels right.
IMO he also played it safe by running on 2nd down of their final possession. With the clock stopping for the two minute warning no matter what I feel like he should have call his safest pass play to try and get a first down.
Childless implies a loss. For those of us who never want children, trust me: we’re not sitting here agonizing over it. It’s no loss.
Well, I’ve got no gif or meme, but I can add a fun fact that will underline your point: Gronk invited exactly 69 of his family members and friends to the game, because Gronk.
I wouldn’t insult LeBron like that, since Gronkowski makes him look like a Rhodes Scholar by comparison. Gronk may be the meatiest meathead who ever meated. I was going to attach a clip or gif but couldn’t settle on just one.
Counterpoint: Who the fuck thinks naming their kid “Case Keenum” is a good idea?
They do, millions in fact.
Hey, the US Military paid millions of taxpayer dollars to shoehorn their way into the NFL and, goshdarnit, they’re going to get your their money’s worth.
I believe they get paid for it as part of a marketing campaign.
Mobs of white people overturning cars is reported by CNN as “scattered vandalism”.