Don’t be a dick- who among us haven’t run out of black printer ink before?
Don’t be a dick- who among us haven’t run out of black printer ink before?
Hopefully, they will heat the set this time as it looked awful chilly on the original show.
There isn’t a list of board members on their website, but there is a ‘List of Permanently Illegible Members’:
WCW/nWo Revenge
The secretary of education, who hates Title IX, who’s from Michigan, who’s a fucking imbecile.
I am so goddamn disgusted with my alma mater. I loved everything about my time at MSU, but cannot and will not support this institution in any capacity until wholesale changes are made. These early firings and resignings are a start, but just that.
Michigan State University, the employer of serial sexual abuser Larry Nassar for over two decades, did not notify…
I don’t believe that snitch story for a second.
For one, greyhounds are not very popular dogs to have as pets. Breeding lots of them for racing purposes means after they’re no longer in their prime you have lots of greyhounds you can’t give away. Every dog track in Florida has an adoption booth but it doesn’t come close to taking care of the problem.
It’s also yet…
Totally ridiculous.
Ah, nothing like an uninformed yet strongly held opinion.
Yep, I had a liberal friend say, well, I don’t like the lottery, they can get rid of that. I stopped dead in my tracks and, said, you know it’s not just a lottery with random unscreened people right? Crickets. So I explained how it works and she was all, Oh well, yeah, actually that sounds like too many hoops.
Yeah...everything the teacher said is believable, but I also 100% believe that her indifference to the mother’s anger is suspect as fuck.
People have ZERO clue how immigration works. It’s not like one person immigrates to the U.S. and immediately brings over the entire family. When my partner and his parents immigrated it took years for his dad to get his grandparents over. They had to enter a lottery just to go through the security background checks,…
What Pink Skull said, but also because the guys voting are sports writers and they all loved talking to Thome while Bonds treated them like garbage.
Gronk, with his hand partially covering the coffee cup, “Hahahaha - it says ‘Dunkin nuts’”
I’m old enough to remember the Olympics of the late 70's and 80's. Truth be told, we were outclassed by the old Soviet Union and Eastern Bloc in many sports, gymnastics in particular. The thing is we’d roll our eyes at it and rationalize it by saying, “Well our amateurs are just that, normal people living normal lives…
Little Girls in Pretty Boxes laid bare the abusive culture of elite gymnastics in 1995. The sport responded by making it worse in pretty much every way.