It may be one of the most heartless acts of 2018 so far. A Baltimore hospital released a woman who was having what…
It may be one of the most heartless acts of 2018 so far. A Baltimore hospital released a woman who was having what…
White people, in general, tend to be pretty terrible when it comes to acknowledging other people and personal space. Any and all free space is theirs to occupy, including your personal space. That sidewalk? Theirs to take up entirely and walk on at a leisurely pace, while making no accommodations to others. That seat…
“winners only; no losers”
As an alternative in case you hate Minnesota and/or football: I will be hosting a D&D game on Super Sunday in a basement. Not my mother’s basement, or even MY basement, but it does have walls and a ceiling above it and is partially underground. There will be a bag of chips and napkins. You will need to provide the…
Ms. Meyers -thank you for your coverage of this important story. I have tried to read all your posts and all the comments to them and that has been a gut-wrenching exercise. To be covering it had to be difficult. And then to imagine the horror these women and girls have endured - the stripping away of trust, the…
To see them finally being allowed to say exactly what they wanted to say, and to be heard, believed, and embraced was incredibly powerful.
A YouTube video with nearly 900,000 views titled “Why Anthem Should Scare You | Has EA Destroyed Bioware?” just miiiight be the type of thing that the second-to-last paragraph of this article is talking about.
There are many many reasons to hate the USOC, but it seems at least here they’ve been out in front of this. Last year the long time USAG head, Steve Penny was doing nothing, it was the USOC who called for him to quit. In response the USAG board, including Mary Lou Retton, unanimously voted their support of him.…
I dunno. On one hand, I feel like if Anthem works, then EA will just turn BioWare into a studio that just pumps out Anthem content and leaves everything else (Dragon Age, Mass Effect) to languish.
On the other, though, if Anthem doesn’t pan out, EA would probably just shut them down instead of letting BioWare get back…
When a survivor of Larry Nassar’s sexual abuse makes her impact statement to the court, she is first asked to state…
No, I saw it. I’m saying that just because it doesn’t mean someone is pretending to be dominant over another race, does not mean it isn’t racist. Racism has a much broader definition that this absolutely meets.
Yes, I’m sure a YouTube video with an unrelated “angry feminist” meme in the thumbnail will have a very reasoned approach to racism.
“The Celtics have a depth problem. Let’s fix it by trading away even more depth!”
Sure seems like an apology to me:
“Pretending to be dominant over another race” is not the definition of racism.
The Celtics will be FINE. They’re in a slump but they’ll return to form later in the season and be the team they were at the start of the season.
Thankfully for the Celtics, Boston sports fans are known for their sober, rational, even-keeled personalities
If line judges were systematically oppressed by the children of colonialists for 400 years then maybe you could crossbreed that orange with an apple.
Oh, I wish her a restful recuperation. Chemo works, but it knocks the stuffin’ out of you.
I think the young ladies who have been wronged by this person, I think in the case there will be a—you can never use money to completely make over people’s pain and suffering, but there’s going to be something happen in their favor.