For as long as Mira could remember, he’s always been a Goodfather.
For as long as Mira could remember, he’s always been a Goodfather.
Lauryn Hill is everything.
It’s literally nothing you haven’t heard before. Bitches don’t know me, I might take your boo or babe, I got the bag, I’m the hottest, you heard of me, and I have money, money, money, money.
Think they’re trolling. Their comment history reeks of troll behavior. This thread gives it away.
I don’t know if you are trolling but those four men were talented (and some still are) and no one is supposed to worship them.
I feel like being a featured artist shouldn’t count.
I know this will start a rage fire but...
They aren’t considered amateur by the NCAA but that wouldn’t impact Olympic eligibility. What would be an issue is that many of the top players have signed entry level contracts with the NHL teams that drafted them, and at least this year an NHL contract = no Olympics.
“So Mr. Jeter, with our standard ticket price, multiplied by an expected season ticket holder base of ... let me see ... zero ... we can expect season ticket revenues of ... sorry, just let me grab my calculator ... zero dollars.”
There’s a joke here about a Dusty Token and the condom in my wallet expiring on the 18th.
just a s areminder, “games as a service” was always a bad deal. if there are online components, then we should have always demanded that those things remain accessible to any legal purchaser into perpetuity. we buy but do not own, and that is garbage. If you cannot automate and absorb the costs of maintaining a game…
Turning 30 helped me embrace my introvert-ness and I refuse to be shamed into being something I’m not. There’s beauty in loving and enjoying the quietness. Extroverts could learn a thing or two from us.
women and diversity
1. When leaving a party or a club or any other type of social event
Point for being correct, and an extra point for actually using ‘literally’ correctly. Thank you, good internet person.
She’s probably like most people and got tired of every season in that series being the same thing with slightly crazier visuals.
Isn’t this literally what the Fantastic Beast movies are? The first one was pure tripe and the next one has Johnny Depp playing Wizard Hitler so I’m not holding my breath on it being much better.
Cute. Part of growing up is not commenting about things you know nothing about.
She was canned at Broadly for acting like a complete ass to her underlings.