absurdity of a society “that believes the women over the man.”
absurdity of a society “that believes the women over the man.”
Not that I care about Grand Theft Auto in the slightest, but it’s almost a dead certainty Rockstar had single-player DLC in mind until Grand Theft Auto Online proved the significantly bigger and more consistent cash cow.
Yup. At least based on how she describes thing, she’s jumping from relationship to relationship without any time for personal growth. You don’t know who you are or what you want until you spend some time as an adult, alone.
BridgeBurner desperately needs to spend some time alone. Her serial failures at monogamous relationships with clearly incompatible partners speaks to a lack of understanding of herself and her own needs, combined with a fear of having to spend time alone figuring those things out.
I am so fucking sick of people just shrugging away fire code/building regulations. At this point, anyone who willingly ignores such issues should be charged with murder. (To be clear, I am NOT talking about the tenants. I’m talking about the owners, landlord, property management company, etc...)
Whew... that first guy. Sorry your girlfriend didn’t appreciate your brilliant humor where you decided it was more important for you to be able to mock her than it was to respect the fact that she didn’t find that kind of thing funny. IDK, maybe I am reading too much into it and she really was oversensitive, but I’ve…
In light of recent, ongoing news events, lets say ‘reaching’, not ‘touching’. 😁
Maybe that’s why they think he needs to build a school?
LMAOOOO-I shoulda stopped reading after that. All-true. No need to sugarcoat every damn thing. I see no LIES here.
“We are no more obsessed with race than...Jezebel is obsessed with the fact that Hillary Clinton won the popular vote”
Many people will claim he’s just trolling liberals. But that’s not true. He’s just really fucking stupid.
Fun Fact: he’s married.
Thursday marks 1,343 days since the people of Flint, Mich., had clean water running through their taps. Although…
2017 was the year I looked back at a lifetime of being defined as an “Oreo” by people and finally realized a lot of the white people who I used to hang out with and even be best friends with were kind of trash.
Cash it out. It’s worth 14,500 today. I will take it if you do not see the value in it....I am white tho...
So where does “Deadspin’s Best Long Stories of 2017" fall on the “Deadspin’s Best Long Stories of 2017" list?