
And it’s not so much about morals—people are free to be horny in their free time—as it is about creating a hostile environment. No one would’ve batted an eye if Bowman were simply sexing a lot and hiring escorts/hookers on personal trips. The problem was that he cultivated a company culture where female members of the

Hey, if you buy it now you’re supporting developers so that they can make more games like this in the future that you can buy and add to the bottom of your backlog! It’s a viciousbeautiful circle!

This looks great! And just when I needed a new game to... oh, what’s that you say? I still have to finish AC:O and have dozens of games in my backlog? With dozens more on my wishlists?

Let’s stop beating around the bush and just call out Pewdipie as the racist fuckbucket that he is.

Mr. Borealis is from Northern Ontario. We had very different childhoods (he did have some awesome experiences you can’t get in a city though).

I will never understand this. 16 and 17 year old boys were barely logical sexual partners when I was 16 and 17 years old! I can’t imagine really looking at one with lustful appreciation and then actually engaging in sex with one as an adult.

“Where else are you supposed to meet people?” - Tavis Smiley

I was living in New Jersey and was literally thirteen-years-old.

I’m glad they brought Maz Kanata back for this ad.

It’s amazing how much stupid shit one person can say in a paragraph, but let me try to break this down.

“Democrat” is not an adjective. The use of it as such is, however, a telltale sign that someone listens to a lot of conservative media, as that’s one of their bizarre tics.

if Democrats trounce Republicans in the House

You have no idea how much we drink.

Holy shit, how have I never heard about this?

If she wasn’t white, Jefferson Beauregard Sessions would be all over this shit. It would be his chance to pass himself off to his fellow racist LEOs as a hero for taking another thug off the streets.

This is probably an issue across the industry, not at Ford.

Fuck yeah Diana!! No jokes or nothing from me, I’m a big fan of your writing and this piece was a fantastic read! I should’ve left for the DMV a while ago, but this was too good to stop reading.

I got a chance to listen to listen to West’s interview with The Root that will come out and a few days. I think it is within bounds for West to challenge Coates’ writings and philosophy in the name of intellectual discussion. I don’t have a problem with that’s. While I like Coates, I don’t think his writings are