Nicely emphasized
Nicely emphasized
No. Being denied the ability to play NCAA ball isn’t the same thing as going to jail and it’s not even close. When he refused to cooperate with the school’s investigation he should’ve been off the team until being cleared by police. This is just another example of a school closing their eyes and plugging their ears so…
*Doan know when I’ll be back again
How likely is it that the punishment sticks? I’m expecting the appeals to last a few years at which point the NCAA will quietly back down and only the $5,000 fine remains.
The most important was a “slinger,” which functioned as both slingshot and grapple hook. It could be used to fire special ammo or trigger traps, but also allowed Tokuda to zip right back to the monster...
You don’t need to make excuses for shitty people. There’s no excuse for death threats.
Exactly my reaction. I love Spider-Man but from a gameplay perspective I don’t see a whole lot to be excited about here.
Sometimes the kids are alright.
Thanks for these.
One usually follows the other, hopefully that’s not the case here.
I wish I had some good advice for you but even missing a couple episodes makes it had to catch up! There is a Critical Role wiki that people do a good job of maintaining with episode summaries if you just want to get caught up story-wise (and links to the VODs). I say dive right in with the new episodes (Matt gives a…
If it’s a choice between paying for their arena and having them leave, I’ll help them pack.
Et tu, Brian?
Good. Hopefully they ban all the streamers that try this.
Since the drop in oil prices a few years ago, the vacancy rate for office space in the city is 35% and the province/city still has major unemployment issues. Thank god people didn’t fall for the CalgaryNEXT crap (a few idiots notwithstanding).
I mean sure, after 10 years I’d probably be “used” to typing with my left hand
I picked up Battleborn a couple months ago during a flash/ps plus sale for the single player content but I haven’t played much. Any recommendations for single player heroes?
In general I agree, but I think there is a value to good service. How much that’s worth is going to vary from person to person and their personal situation and finances though. If you tell companies all you care about is the price, that’s all they’ll care about too. I assume you don’t have a problem with outsourcing…
This is what I was wondering. I’ve never been to the town but I know some people who went to the school. My immediate guess was rich assholes not liking how it looked.
I’ve never been to the town but I know a few people who went to the private school there. Is this a case of the more affluent people complaining because they think the hearse makes the town’s aesthetics worse? i.e. Irvings and friends