If the NFL is now approaching the PA to make a deal, it seems to me their lawyers finally smartened up and told Goodell they would not have a case for suspension that would hold up in court.
If the NFL is now approaching the PA to make a deal, it seems to me their lawyers finally smartened up and told Goodell they would not have a case for suspension that would hold up in court.
You spelled "whoa" wrong. Four times.
If you want artists paid fairly, Google Play seems to be ahead of almost all the others:
So I have fully committed to using Music for the trial period. I have un-synced all local copies of my Spotify playlists and have begun the painstaking process of recreating all of them in Music. However here are a few things I already don’t like.
I think the author is neglecting the fact that a music streaming application is (now) a fairly simple application to create and there isn’t a damn thing that you can do that is revolutionary or think differently about.
Gee, you sure seemed to like it more when it was called Beats Music...
...said the person whose brain is no doubt infested with cat poop parasites.
Will Gordon has a cat. He also likes Schlitz and hates Yuengling. Coincidence? I think not.
Florida’s flag pays homage to the Spanish empire that founded and once controlled Florida, it has nothing to do with the confederate flag other than the similarity that the both have diagonal lines.
I feel like all this talk about taking down the Traitors’ Flag is just a bunch of white people getting all feel good about “doing the right thing.” Removing the Traitors’ Flag is easy and will make people pat themselves on the back for doing it.
This and the Florida flag contain the St Patrick’s Saltire or St Andrew’s Cross.
Just had my Polestar wrapped. I have over 7,000 miles on mine, so any questions you want answered Michael?
In all seriousness, left and center are pretty important spots in softball. Everyone is trying to hit monster home runs, so a left fielder who can both catch and throw can be invaluable.
No one wears undershirts. #notallkinjacommenters
No one wears undershirts. #notallkinjacommenters
I did a search for “Scooby Doo Jon Snow” and came up with this. You’re welcome. :)
That wasn’t as much a theory as it was a list of faceless men observations. Here’s a theory - faceless men work for the Night King, aka the God of Death. Every time they kill someone the Night King gets to bring someone back to life, which is why the Arya must atone for “stealing” a life by being blinded: she stole a…
This sounds less like an article and more like a chat you should be having with your dad.
this is the good stuff. no iritation. smells good. lasts all day. what else do you need?
this is the good stuff. no iritation. smells good. lasts all day. what else do you need?
Figured it out last night.