
What a great interview

I thought everyone pretty much hated Puck. Like, everyone. On the planet. Christ was a gross fucking trash person.

For those of us old enough to have watched the RWSF at the time, Pedro dying the day after the last episode was a fucking gut punch. I remember crying all day. 

It’s almost like HIV is sexually transmitted and not airborne, so masks don’t help (except, as above, the ones that go over your dick). It’s almost like 23 years of education on how to prevent HIV weren’t a thing in 2004, the year you arbitrarily chose. It’s almost like 2004 wasn’t the FUCKING PEAK OF AIDS RELATED

The confidence of imbeciles is pandemic. 

Congrats, its not even 8am on a Monday morning and I’ve now read the most asinine thing I’ll see online this week. Quite a feat, you should be proud.

Why? Because there was a medical breakthrough in the form of antiretroviral medication. HIV is not airborne, so not sure why you think masks or social distancing would be required to stop its spread.

Its probably something to do with the massive decline in physical sales for music, and I imagine as subscription streaming services become more prevalent individual digital sales of songs/albums are probably declining too. Licensing is always a good way to make $$$, with these deals instead of the band sitting back

He should have shouted out, “Remaster Zen Arcade!"

I once happened by a record store where Bob Mould and the other Sugar guys were sitting at a table signing copies of the newly-released first album. I didn’t have the money to buy it, but I got in line anyway, because in my bag I had a cassette tape on which my friend had Workbook and Black Sheets of Rain recorded,

There is a lot of sad/melancholy stuff here and it goes all-out at the end, but right from the start the old camcorder footage of Andy’s puppy jumping around cutting to the present of an older dog moving as well as he can just fucking wrecked me. Our family had a dog at that age and mobility at the time and the

“[Y]ou are watching a lucrative global children’s-entertainment franchise and not a bleak European art film.”

This a weird take. You’re upset that the article expresses frustration at the way the rich flout the law because ... the rich flout the law?

I love Master of None, it’s probably my favorite show of the past two years. But it (especially in season 2) was always open to expanding its universe and sharing its perspective. Even before the allegations against Aziz came out, he seemed unsure as to whether he would want to make a third season; this looks like a

Yeah, I was really excited when I heard there was another season, and I loved the Lena Waithe ep, but this is kind of a bummer. Just call it something else. I’ll still watch it, but was kinda hoping for at least one more season following Dez. And his parents.

I don’t want to be unreasonable, but why not just call it something else? I think Aziz really got unfairly maligned in this whole thing, and he even apologized for what essentially to me sounded like a bad date with REALLY poor communication between both people in said date. This was not a Kevin Spacey type situation.

Nobody cares about my song about getting the trots in a Burger King bathroom.

I’d never heard that “Same Gang” song before, and G absolutely kills it with sharp lyrics and that wicked shift in beat (I wonder how hard he had to fight to be the one guy who got to switch it up?) Kinda surprisingly, the song as a whole isn’t bad either. No one else is really great, but everyone brings it. It’s also

I’ll put “I once got busy in a Burger King bathroom” up against anything Bob Dylan ever wrote.

Man that sucks. Digital Underground is so underrated. I hate to think some people pass them off as a novelty act. Shock G had so much talent and humor.