
because someone whose career is tanking (especially as a result of his own misconduct) is not going to reject an offer of high-profile work, if such an offer were to be made.

He reminds me of John Olerud the Baseball player. Wasnt the main star on the few teams he played for but coincidentally the teams would be good during his time there. Martin Starr is always needed to make your tv show that much better.

I’d rather watch a hobo jack off than ever read another one of your shitty comments about this show.

I think the list of who actually did want him there would be shorter. Amongst the cast alone, I know Middleditch and Nanjiani weren’t fans.

It doesn’t necessarily have to be Berg’s “personal animus”: The HBO suits may well have said “under no circumstances can you bring him back,” or the rest of the creative team may have rejected the idea too, or even if everyone was on board and they reached out to Miller, it would be entirely possible that Miller would

None of that is a plot hole or inconsistency. It’s just the show withholding details about her character and only revealing them at comedically effective moments. It’s the sort of thing they did with Jared for the entire series run.

To be fair to the showrunners, TJ Miller essentially burned all his bridges down when he gave a deranged interview after he left the show, basically saying he hates Alec Berg and that the show was in a rut. Miller being a dick in other ways just cements the decision not to feature him. But I was glad the character got

Ladies and gentlemen, narcissistic personality disorder: 

My favorite part was that when it came down to it, it was Gilfoyle who trusted Dinesh to do the right thing.

Martin Starr is a national treasure. I can’t wait to see what he does next.

I agree. This was one of the greatest and best retcons ever made. 

Funniest exchange of the entire episode:

I do wonder how they are going to wrap it up next week, but I do not worry.

Basically everything you could possibly want from a Doctor Manhattan episode and an HBO Watchmen episode. It’s brilliantly written, stunningly shot, beautifully scored, and all sorts of other meaningless adjectives.

Expert trolling with the hint of Erlich’s return.

Won’t you skeet my neighbor. 

But that’s the nature of rule 34. If it exists, someone is fucking it.

The fact that the replacement third child is also named Donald is especially cruel. (It’s an easily-missed gag, as Jared usually goes by his middle name.)

I’m just really glad they didn’t leave Jason being born in a pool as a one-noter from last episode.  The fact that this mom gave birth after a cannonball adds even more color to his back story.  Dear LORD Manny Jacinto is fire. 

Nice bit of likely-unintended synergy between tonight’s Superstore “if you don’t like the weather in St. Louis” bit and Jason’s “if you don’t like a funeral in Jacksonville” line.

And holy shit was that a Schur-y episode from tip to tail, in the best way possible. When I saw how they were pulling Eleanor’s Chidi-eulog