
I’m agog. That’s like growing up without the ability to hear, and the first music you hear is Nickelback.

I’m not sure what to say for myself. I’m from this country, too! It just...never came up? And then we had it as an office lunch and I learned that lukewarm delivery fried chicken at your desk is not the most heartening initiation.

Moss is the GOAT.

And something Randy Moss doesn’t get enough credit for. Like, sure he was tall and fast and could catch anything you threw at him, but he was smart as hell.

“Challenge accepted”

Also, as a St. Louis LA Rams fan... The schadenfreude for this league, this franchise, and the LA St. Louis fans is almost too much

Demoff is a “professional” liar in the same way the Rams are a “professional” football team.

This is some 4-9 bullshit. Dude earned a shot to set the record for most NFL losses.

This is so amazing. The Jeff Fisheriest thing that could ever happen...

He actually said “Duck stew fondue - Trucking niche” mocking the hallowed Edmonton area tradition of a truckers stopping by a fancy restaurant for that meal after a successful run. Also used by Canadians as an insult to mothers implying truckers stop by their mom’s house after every run for sex.

Perhaps when we humans kill ourselves off, a better species will take over. My money is on penguins

DeMar DeRozan DeDunks on DeEverybody.

whenever he finish with his left hand, it’s gonna come off.

I love this team. Very psyched for them to get crushed in the conference finals!

Neither of the jokes ever get old to me. I find them funny every single time. And the more annoyed people get, the funnier it is. So I just sit back and wait for someone to tell me they’re sick of the same stupid joke. Then I incorrectly correct their grammar.

You guys are too hard on poor Jim. Cut the man some slacks.

good dadding

I remember asking my father as a child (I think around 4th grade) why he never videotaped my school concerts or performances like the other parents (back in the day of giant camcorders, which we didn’t own). And he replied, “All week you’ve been complaining about this stupid concert, and now you want me to videotape

So, some clarification. I’m a fan of the culture more than the games. I don’t necessarily think a game is good just because it’s Pokemon. Pokemon Go, for example, is kind of garbage, mechanically speaking.