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    I am not called a nig#er as much as my parents that doesn't mean there is less racism.The racism is covert.Lack of homophobic slurs doesn't mean there is less homophobia.Artists are just more PC.When I see some mainstream Openly Gay rappers I will say things are changing.

    Why are there No openly gay players in NBA or NFL? The same reason there are no openly gay rappers signed to a major label.

    The article suggests that if Luscious was a great businessman he would promote and support Jamal's career .If it is a good business move because homophobia isn't what it used to me then where are all the Black gay artists? If things are so much better why isn't EVERY major labor trying to find a Black Gay artist to

    I'm tired of people saying there is less homophobia in hip hop.If that is the case where are all the openly gay Black male artist in hiphop and R&B? Why did T Pain say he knows artist who won't work with Frank Ocean because he is Gay?