
The greatest delusion in the US is that billionaires even remotely give a shit about anybody that isn’t a billionaire.

Honestly, I think gate keeping who has the right to vote beyond age is silly. Even if we put aside the controversy around the way IQ is measured and the ugly history of poll tests, it’s not like people with a IQ low enough to be screened out by a requirement are likely large, organized or even politically similar enoug

Please educate yourself, his opinions on “cool tech” are about as sound as his political takes. If there’s anything good his companies (he didn’t even found Tesla btw) produce it’s thanks to qualified engineers, his own ideas are widely mocked by experts, like most rich people he decided against getting a graduate

After what he did with Twitter over the weekend, maybe his opinion on technology should also be ignored?

Not an IQ test, because IQ as a measure came about with some particularly icky eugenics nonsense. Perhaps an issue-based understanding-of-facts test? A few questions on the economy, a few on the environment, a few on immigration, etc.

Actually if you want democracy to function better, make voting compulsory for every adult. No more money and time wasted getting the vote out. Force people to consider, even minimally, how they are going to vote. It forces parties to aim for the more sensible centre ground instead of the loony fringes. How do I know

I will never understand why she CHOSE to reproduce with that lizard.

Term limits. Every public office should have term limits. Supreme Court, federal judges, senators, representatives, all of them need term limits.

It’s 100% his meaning. He doomsays a lot about the “falling birthrate” in industrial nations, but he for sure means western European, American, or other commonwealth-nation white people. The world population is still increasing, but with The Bad Kind of People.

One MIGHT even argue that if the only reason you’re NOT a raping murderous psychopath is because you’re afraid of consequences AFTER you die - then you MIGHT not actually even be a good person even if you’re NOT out there murder-raping everyone!

This is the same crap they try to pull claiming atheists/non-religious people are lawless heathens who can’t possibly have morals or want to do the right thing in a situation because they don’t have some skybro threatening them.

And it’s awfully easy to run around impregnating women left and right when you’re a fucking billionaire who can afford to pay for their upbringing

See if you want to take childless adult’s right to vote away, then you lose the right to tax them. The whole no taxation without representation argument. 

We shouldn’t just skip over the casually dropped “procreation problem”. Fascists Republicans have for years been peddling the ‘falling birth rate’ bullshit. In reality, there’s plenty of people, and the global population continues to steadily rise. Any worrisome drop in a country’s population can easily be solved by,

Yeah but without any of the charisma or even a memorable pet.

How shocking; the guy with zero understanding of empathy believes that you need to be related to someone to care about their future. I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I’m rooting for Zuckerberg. Knock this piece of shit the fuck out, Mark.

“Democracy is probably unworkable long term without limiting suffrage to parents. Helps solve the procreation problem, too.”

None of this is surprising to the guy who thinks Twitter is some sort of bastion for free speech as long as you pay to be verified and abide by his arbitrary rules. And it’s awfully easy to run around impregnating women left and right when you’re a fucking billionaire who can afford to pay for their upbringing and

I know someone who, when asked why he continued his environmentally unfriendly lifestyle while he had his young kids’ future to think about, said he’d be dead by then so he didn’t really care. Not his problem. So I don’t really buy that argument.

Maybe people with kids who hate them should also lose the right to vote. That would include Musk, so that works for me.