Even with house shoes / slippers that never leave the house, I take them off before putting feet up on the bed or furniture.
Even with house shoes / slippers that never leave the house, I take them off before putting feet up on the bed or furniture.
What I think will actually help stop teens from internalizing harmful ideas from porn (ie biology ideas, copy violence, body insecurities) is comprehensive sex-education that addresses porn as an acted-out fantasy rather than a documentary.
I often wondered about that myself, especially if you’re doing “work” on a tourist visa somewhere.
BIG FAT WARNING: International remote work programs are very new, immigration laws definitely have not caught up yet, and these programs will usually not let you know about this in their pitch.
First Lt Yar, now our tires!!
Wait. Resale value of Camry = 15,438. Total of parts = 10,695. And 15,438 > 10,695. How again are the ‘sum of the parts’ worth more than the car itself? It’s in the chart - the used market value of the car still exceeds the parts value by over 30%.
Nobody’s going to give a damn about anything you have to say if you’re wandering around being an asshole.
“libtard” is one of those disgusting slurs that instantly causes me to stop giving a damn about whatever point a person is trying to make. Do you actually hate mentally disabled people, or are you a 16 year old trying to be edgy? Try to elevate the discussion a bit, you might find it more satisfying.
The balls on this woman. Who gets denied three times and still brings their freaking peacock to the airport?!? Who aided and abetted this woman’s tomfoolery?!? Did she drive herself, and if so, how’d she get her peacock to the terminal?!?
Pheasants are not emotional supports, they are delicious roasts!
Maybe the terminology in the US is different from Brazil, where I live, but “Service Animals”, and “emotional support animals” are different. So I think we’re not really disagreeing, I just have not make a clear distinction in my original post, so my fault: I fully support the presence of “Service Animals”, because…
I have issues with flying. I am basically in a state of quiet terror the whole time and looking for a way to knock myself out between A and B. This has never influenced me to want to bring an animal on a flight.
Service animals and emotional support animals are not the same.
Come at me, but this “emotional support animal” is bullshit. If you need help with flight anxiety, take a tranquilizer or booze, like a normal sane person. Animals - no exceptions, dogs, cats, whatever! - have no business inside a passengers cabin.
I’m bummed. I thought this story was going to say F1 will finally be streaming online. I was ready to call up my TV provider and tell them to suck it. But nope. I’ll pay again for another year so I can watch F1 and football.
I have to be honest, and I’m sure I’ll receive flack for it, but I get what she’s saying. Yes, women should be able to walk into a business meeting (regardless of the unusual setting that it’s taking place in) and be safe.
Regarding Al Franken: His actions were horrible, but at what point do we can we stop painting everyone with the same brush? He was a comedian, albeit one that I never found particularly funny. He’s clearly joking in the one picture that I saw, and grabbing someone’s butt during a photo in the past sounds like a…
Most rules like these are state-specific. In Ohio:
In America, the not-passing of a stopped school bus with “RED” lights blinking is sacrosanct. Nothing will get you pulled over quicker with more vehemance than breaking that rule. (Racial profiling not withstanding).
Only for school buses as far as I know. Vehicles coming in both directions are required to stop when that sign pops out.