Funny to see Renata Sorrah illustrating this post...
Funny to see Renata Sorrah illustrating this post...
I strongly recommend:
I strongly recommend:
I vote for calling it Ranulph or Gertudre. Either one is fine.
Main page is here:
I was split between watching on Velocity or via the no comments pure sound stream plus Mobil1 Radio Le Mans... By the last three hours of the race, I was watching Velocity and listening to Radio Le Mans. After the end of the race, I decided to stick to Velocity, to listen to the interviews... The mic failed miserably…
I knew those .80% meant I was paying way too much...
489.80% to be more precise.
Is this Nicolas Townshend? The lost cousin of Pete Cage? Straight from the late 1970s...
This is so fucking ridiculous that I lack words to express my befuddledness.
I loved the commentator of the video: “He (Alex Rossi) went to the Czech Republic before going to Europe and the UK.”
Those were exactly my first thoughts. People simply assume they can jump aboard the first airplane, go to whatever location and start working straight away. Few people think about work permits.
You have no idea how lucky you are. Here in Brazil, banks charge over 16% per month for overdraft. Credit cards are not far, charging now between 9% and 14% per month. You read it right, it’s per month not per year. It’s simply impossible to pay off one’s debt, even if you earn a decent income. There are over 61…
Some former president once said “I sucked, but I didn’t inhale.” or something like that.
That was a long sabbatical...
That’s what I thought (state-specific).
Thank you for your reply!
Thank you for your reply!