I was very pleased - and surprised - to see my reply among the chosen ones. Does it mean I’ll get to be ungreyed henceforth?
I was very pleased - and surprised - to see my reply among the chosen ones. Does it mean I’ll get to be ungreyed henceforth?
I bought it for this price at amazon about a month ago. It’s sitting on top of my desktop. The USB 3.0 cable didn’t work with my USB 3.0 hub, though. So I had to connect it to a USB 2.0 socket.
I bought it for this price at amazon about a month ago. It’s sitting on top of my desktop. The USB 3.0 cable didn’t…
Obviously, there are pros and cons. One of the best things of being a freelance (I’ve been working from home since 1998) is that I’m having the immense pleasure of being with my son 24/7 (except when he’s at school). If I were working a regular job, I’ll be leaving home while he would be still sleeping and would get…
I can think of a few better questions, too...
In Brazil, voting is mandatory for people between 18 and 70 years old. You have to register when you’re 18 (there’s a specific document), but once you’re register, you can use any official photo ID to vote - provided you know where you’re registered to vote (you vote at the same venue always). At the last minute of…
If I were a studio, I’d do a spoof with actors wearing all these sexy implements.
I wonder if people should take such safety measures whilst watching it.
I wonder if EF1 mileage program allows you to use their miles with other airlines.
But then you wouldn’t need to be flying around, would you?
I find amusing that Iran is the boogeyman that supports terrorism abroad and China is a bloody dictatorship, yet not a single word about Saudi Arabia...
I would never buy anything - used or otherwise - from Mrs. Clinton. She’s way too cozy with Big Money.
I’m watching it right now. I’m in Brazil.
There are 36 million good reasons why they’re more likely mutually exclusive.
I was so upset by the post that I failed to edit my comment. Hence the repetition of “among”. So, where I wrote “Among the shameful crimes Japan committed in its long history, this is among the most heinous ones.” please read “Among the shameful crimes Japan committed in its long history, this is one of the most…
Way too little. Way too late.
Well, I guess in Japan the girls would have to sue the Yakuza. Something that I’m pretty sure would not be very conducive to a healthy and long life.
Well, the Internet is such a weird place... Lots of people say things that they wouldn’t dare say to another person face to face, but bad-mannered people are everywhere.
I sincerely don’t understand that. The policies Sanders supports are aligned more with the interests of the majority of the population in the US regardless of their ethnic, social and cultural background. His ideals should appeal the vast majority who are not pleased with the current state of affairs in which the…
Hmm. If you already have a subscription (the full monty), you can’t buy this as an add-on to be used in the future. I’ve been trying to add the US$5.00 plan, but instead of being sent to my cart, I’m sent to my cloud account.
Hmm. If you already have a subscription (the full monty), you can’t buy this as an add-on to be used in the future.…
Is this an invitation?