An arsehole like that doesn’t have a mother. This kind of behaviour should be grounds for sending someone to prison. The thing that worries me the most is that he might come back on a later date and try to take his revenge. I hope not.
An arsehole like that doesn’t have a mother. This kind of behaviour should be grounds for sending someone to prison. The thing that worries me the most is that he might come back on a later date and try to take his revenge. I hope not.
This prick is a giant person-shaped arsehole.
I have one of those. I haven’t used it in ages because the pipe gets so hot (I’m in Brazil) that, as soon as I turn it off, the room gets unbearably hot from the heat irradiated from the pipe. It’s pretty nice if you’re in front of it, but, once it’s off the room gets hot in no time. I even tried to insulate it, but…
I have one of those. I haven’t used it in ages because the pipe gets so hot (I’m in Brazil) that, as soon as I turn…
All I want to know is why I can’t watch amazon on HD on my computers (both PC and Mac) anymore. A while ago I read something about some old monitors would not be compatible anymore, which seems to be bullshit. I can watch full HD on Netflix and HD on Hulu. My monitors are Full-HD compatible. Does anyone know a way of…
"This is not a difficult concept."
As odd as it may sound, I was recently visiting a cousin on the coast and had trouble brewing tea at sea level. The water didn't boil as it should. Every time I tried to brew tea, it tasted like tea brewed on airplanes. At home (about 800 m high), I have no trouble. I thought it should be easier at sea level. Has…
I swear I read "meth" instead of "meat".
Nutella is really nice. You can eat it with bread as a spread (like my son does) or eat it with ice cream (I usually spread it on the bottom half of a small cereal bowl and put the ice cream on top) or you can put a dessert spoonful on the bottom of a glass, pour milk and heat it on the microwave, then stir and voilà!…
Hershey's and American chocolate in general are awful (even the so-called specialty chocolates aren't very nice). There's absolutely no resemblance between Hershey's and the original Cadbury. And to compare Maltesers with Whoppers is like comparing stale plastic fruits with real ones. Maltesers are wonderful. Whoppers…
I was thinking why nobody was making the connection with Longmire. Thank you!
I know it's late, but Asterix was big in Brazil in the 1970s. I still have my collection here. And the translations were perfect...
1. Either you're illiterate or are pretending to be Portuguese just to troll. "Parabéns" is the standard form both in Brazil and Portugal.
Also the diacritic acute is missing. It should be "Parabéns" and not "Parabens." Just as the old Brazilian car dealer TV ad: "Parabéns, Primo Rossi, parabéns!"
And speed limits are just for show, right?
I don't. The wife goes crazy. I clean it once or twice a year, when the main computer starts making loud noises. Then I disconnect everything and use a vacuum cleaner (take the PC to the living room as there's no room for doing that where the computer is located).
Not to mention the strong chorus of neopentecostal sects that, more often than not, manage to be more conservative than the Catholics.
I don't know whether or not you're familiar with prostate exams, but these are done via blood tests nowadays.
You're talking crap. The Brazilian government, i.e., the federal government, doesn't exert total control over (public) health services as these are mostly directly managed by state and local governments. Also, unfortunately, private healthcare is huge in Brazil. But, unlike in the US, where, if you don't have private…
As far as I know it's required for all public civil servants, from kitchen aids to diplomats across all three governmental levels (federal, state and local). So teachers are no exception in that regard, except, of course, in relation to the virginity test required by ungovernor Alckmin. One thing that no longer…
Nope. This is something specific to the state of São Paulo, whose governor, Geraldo Alckmin (PSDB), is a staunch member of the ultra conservative Opus Dei Catholic sect. General health exams for admission of public servants are common in Brazil, but I believe their original intention is to avoid that someone who's not…