
What the hell is up with that lame ass lightsaber design? When did Hilt+Glowing Blade That Cuts Through Everything = Fucking Awesome become boring and passe`?

I think this piece is going to get some interesting comments.

Reddit FTW!!



I can't make it on a coupla high-altitude fucks once or twice a year! You are too much for me Ennis, you sonofawhoreson bitch! I wish I knew how to quit you.

Jimmy, get daddy his special juice.

Dev: "Soo... what kind of nipples would you like me to give you?"

Aww crap, started reading this article, fell asleep and my iPad fell between my legs, right into the toilet.

So as long as there's no Comic Sans, I suppose.

Tulip! Awesome awesome awesome. I need to go dig out my old Preacher issues.

Straight up.

If you want a strong female lead let your daughter watch "Terminator" or "Alien".

A friend of mine described AHS as 'as incoherent and generally nonsensical as everything else Ryan Murphy has done - with added rapey torture porn." If anything, I think she erred somewhat on the side of generosity.

Good to know the reasons I stopped watching it are still valid. Seems they are trying to shock more than entertain.

The absolute most insightful commentary on AHS I've ever read was 'In an era where almost everything is on some level, predictable, it's nice that you will truly never know what AHS will do next, because it is clearly written by crazy people who don't know what a coherent plot even is'.

Umm. Ew.

How do you know dragons aren't furry? There are furry dinosaurs! ;)

Best Mega? Did someone call?