
A yeast infection?¿?? This family needs serious help, cause that child is in danger

This is horrible. Continue the fight, it's for a noble cause 

his story is often in the news, maybe police chiefs and prosecutors need to be named for this to actually lead anywhere

genuine question, why have them look away?


“because she would have 100 percent succeeded if she had given it another five years and seen really how to kind of negotiate the minefields, of which there were many.”

...... how often does this shit happen??? different jurisdictions and nearly word for word the same, like what?

Who hasn’t biden pissed off? Like damn, was it that people’s expectations for him were to high or what? Cause while he hasn’t done everything, he hasn’t been completely useless either. Im genuinely confused, What were people expecting? A democratic trump?

some how some way sinema and manchin are benefitting financially from their positions, so lets finally make them see reason in the only way them seem to understand

after 15 hours is when they start worrying about running out of gas?? like, i would have been worried after 2

just how many people were they killing????? cause if last year was a reduction....

They played on the national stage..... I Am actually a little bit in awe. Is it delusion? Naivete? How on earth did they expect this to pan out?


i take it its a pet peeve?

how do you know you’re an absolutely horrible person? when you go through a traumatic and dangerous experience and come out of it with zero sympathy from the public

You're a special black person to go to bat for racists. Don't know what kind, but definitely the worst

black woman here, consider the people lauren boebert caters to. or the other one campaigning with the pedophile, they do things expressly to “own the libs.” its a game to them, meanwhile rep. omar is getting death threats and having to pay for bodyguards.........

what in the world is happening in her office, or is this normal and the press are just making it a bigger thing?

her supporters demand not want is more appropriate. and also make the prosecutor think twice before bringing such charges again. if rittenhouse gets to visit potus for surviving, why shouldnt she??