If you have a place to store it in or on your vehicle a couple pairs of Maxtrax recovery tracks can make a big difference.
Chicken wild rice casseroles are popular where I live. I typically use cream of chicken soup instead of the usual cream of mushroom since I hate mushrooms. I also like to add sausage as well, sometimes goetta when I have it.
I had visited the dealership a couple times already and they had already done their inspections.
Being good at math can save you from having a dealer rip you off. I was set to purchase a new vehicle recently and we agreed upon the price and trade-in value through email. When we went in to sign the paperwork the dealer had added an additional $5,000 into the price. At the time the dealer was unwilling to lower it…
I like to bake them with butter, maple syrup, and bacon.
I don’t think you can talk about the right amount of horsepower without talking about weight as well. 300 horsepower in a lightweight coupe will have much more acceleration than it will in a full size SUV. When looking for vehicles I look for ones that have a weight to horsepower ratio of 15 to 1 or lower. If you want…
I miss the front bench seat on cars.
The Yugo will always have a special place in my heart. Not because it was a good car. It wasn’t. But because a friend in high school used to have one and it seemed to be indestructible. You see my friend was not a particularly careful driver. He often did neutral drops when the light turned green, more than once he…
The blind spots are terrible. I added a set of convex mirrors to mine which basically remove the blind spot when I’m driving. The only case where they don’t help is when I’m entering a highway from a cloverleaf and looking for approaching cars in the lane I’m merging into.
They’re mud tires that are also rated for severe snow service.
What made you switch from the 4Runner to the FJ Cruiser? I have an FJ Cruiser now and I’m thinking of switching to a 4Runner.
There’s one easy way to make a veggie burger taste better.