
The problem with the no fly list is that there seems to be no checks and balances on it. People aren’t notified about it, they only discover that they are on it when they try to fly, they are unable to find out why they were added to it, and if they don’t have connections it is usually all but impossible to be taken

If you’re lucky enough to visit Seattle in August/September you’ll be greeted with blackberries that grow literally everywhere. They are amazingly sweet, and this is coming from someone who has a sweet tooth. I picked bucket fulls of blackberries from the hotel parking lot each day that I was in Seattle and they were

I’ve been behind the wheel of a number of luxury cars in my life and, after having driven a Tesla Model S, I can tell you that it is not more luxurious than 99 percent of vehicles out there. Most cars that cost half as much are more luxurious and more refined. Tesla is more innovative, better for the environment, and

I just ask if he’d be willing to pay 50% if we hired someone to do chores that I feel he isn’t doing enough of (ie. maid, yard cleanup for dogs, snow removal, etc...). He usually declines and starts to pitch in more after that.

I saw a pristine red Ford GT when I was vacationing in Northern Minnesota this past summer near Duluth & Grand Marais.

My neighbor was always complaining about some weeds between my house and hers. I don’t know what they are but they are super aggressive and none of the weed killers that are safe for grass have been able to kill them. I have to yank them out but they always come back. Anyways one day the city inspector sent me a

I have one of these and I don’t think the seal is tight enough that it is truly airtight but it is good enough to keep bugs out of it.

I have one of these and I don’t think the seal is tight enough that it is truly airtight but it is good enough to

Sorry, but I invested all of my money with Bernie Madoff.

The conspiracy theorist in me wants to think that this company is owned by Comcast.

I have a friend who makes more than his wife, who is a doctor. When I was having financial problems and mentioned to him that I didn’t want to do things with him because I was trying to save money his reaction was to help me find a much better job and to also often take care of my bill when we went out until I was

That’s the best, or at least the most satisfying, method to deal with them.

I would personally either replace them with security screws or, more likeley, fill them with solder. A determined thief could scrape wax out and some may even carry multitools with security heads, but few will be carrying a soldering iron around with them.