
Shiner Ruby Red is the perfect golf cart beer.

I need to dig deeper into Texan beer, thanks for the tip.

Know this guy and his family personally, really good people. His brother bought my old motorcycle years back and still has it. Hoping he picks out something fun and reliable to drive around!

It is. Perfectly enjoyable mindless fun, and the important thing is that Denzel and Mark look like they're enjoying themselves, which comes across pretty well. Plus, it has Bill Paxton playing a slimy bastard as only he can.

I wonder where in traffic-ridden Fairfax he was actually able to get up to 105 mph.

and to think, mike trout or bryce harper was actually a serious debate at one time. Now? There's about 15-20 guys under the age of 25 who I'd rather have than Harper. He is a player of immense talent who has nevertheless been coddled, fellated, and genuflected to since he was 15. He's an asshole, always has been, and

No, they wouldn't have. They would have been liquidated. When you file for Ch. 11 bankruptcy, you're asking a court for protection while you re-organize your business and (this is key) secure financing from investors who believe your re-structuring will be successful (and get them a return on their investment.)

How the hell is GM even in business at this point? It seems like the bail out was really just to protect investors while they let the company shit itself and hemorrhage to death

holy shit. There's more orange cones here than cars on the street. I feel your pain bro

Every day I lived in Maryland this!

Blacklist is more of the same classic Splinter Cell gameplay rather than whatever the hell Conviction was trying to do. The story could have came straight out of 24. You'll like it if you liked older Splinter Cell games.

You know what I remember? The good ending of Splinter Cell: Double Agent *SPOILERS* on the Yacht, as you attempt to disarm the bomb, the head antagonist Carson Moss is on the boat. He dies with a shot to the head like everyone else, just the one and then you disarm the bomb.

This always stood out for me. At the time I

Let the "NOPE!" images begin.

Lost me at "Dunkin' Donuts coffee is awful."

Well done.

The triumph in The Americans is that I have found myself rooting for illegal Soviet spies to have success against the US. It takes good writing to make a viewer suspend disbelief to that degree.

It was my first hockey game. I was a kid and went with my dad. It was fucking awesome.

When I saw the headline I thought that this was what it was referring to. My favorite call ever.

This is true, since New York is actually better than your city, whatever it is.