Aaha, it totally does use their tech. Just had an alert about it. I shouldn’t have said anything, I’ve cursed us. Apologies.
Aaha, it totally does use their tech. Just had an alert about it. I shouldn’t have said anything, I’ve cursed us. Apologies.
If it doesn’t play carts then that doesn’t seem likely.
Nice, thanks for the share.
Hong Kim-Seang, aka Nesskain Hks, is a comic artist based in France who provided the art for O…
Today is Pi Day and what better way to celebrate everyone’s favorite mathematical constant than by taking a look…
Job interviews are nerve-wracking enough as it is, then the hiring manager hits you with something like, “tell me…
In many places, arcades seem to have nearly, if not completely, vanished. Yet, in Japan, they continue to hang on.
Yeah, Tbh, I rated 5cm/s better than this. 5cm/s has a clear message about how sometimes someone is bound to be only in your heart not in your life.
I’m udderly amazed at how much Kotaku is milking this Nintendo Switch thing. We get it, y’all are dairy excited. But let’s not lose perspective. Some people have real beef with Nintendo right now, and I have to say, some of that is really a lot of bull. Still, if Nintendo wants to keep up, they really need to hoof it,…
I’m upset at... well, everything about this product in general. The change from initial vision, art style, game performance, lack of communication, code fiasco, and I still have no idea when my physical stuff is coming but at this point I honestly don’t even care.
I want to try them all. :( I really need to plan a trip to Japan.