
Which one? The one for gaming or the one for children?

Fucking emulate these things for ps4 or upgrade or port or something!

That’s fashion souls, you don’t really need armour at all once you’ve mastered rolling and parrying

I’m more pissed off about the summoning not working. In over 60 hours of playing I got summoned twice. Now I’ve just finished my 6th playthrough and too high a level to get summoned or really even summon anyone. It would have been nice if it worked as advertised. Instead of having to grind for shackles and concords

Hmmm, seems like a common element in a lot of FPS games. I’ll put up no argument though. I need to figure out will my laptop run the new remastered version. I had no trouble running Bioshock Infinite at low enough settings. I’ve an i7, 8GB ram and Intel HD4400 graphics. Just had some slight frame rate issues in one

Why do people say that Bioshock is a spiritual successor to System Shock? Other than them both being FPS and having Shock in their titles, I don’t see much in common

Anyone know if I could run this on my laptop? i7 processor, 8 GB ram, Intel HD 4400 graphics. I had no trouble running the latest bioshock game with low graphics settings. No frame rate issues, except once during the game, where there was a lot of smoke effects

Get good

You’ve just generalised all their fanbase to ‘boys’ and ‘man-children’ and you imply that they don’t have the intelligence to get the joke. Or you could just imply they are ‘retarded’.

You have some malware on your computer, that’s not firefox’s fault

Chrome is the worst browser for bloat

Why don’t you buy one then, instead of having a carving knife on standby

*21st Century