Now I’m going to buy Kotaku just so I can make it nothing *BUT* Penny Arcade comics!
Now I’m going to buy Kotaku just so I can make it nothing *BUT* Penny Arcade comics!
I’d say it was funnier than most of the comics today.
for me it was “we are completely rethinking lobsters” beautifully absurdist. the orange one too.
I thought the dinosaur bones joke was pretty good.
I don’t get it either. Here is my guess
Double XP is good for once.
I don’t care if its -50. Dicks Out!
I am a Mei main and I approve of this cosplay.
This guy’s mind is gonna be blown when he finds out where Top Gun is based.
This is going to be the weirdest comparison I’ve ever made but the way they modeled his abs makes them look like the hard pallet of a rat’s mouth
Yes, Why is C-3PO in this film?
Because we want the Japanese teen girl audience.
I was never fond of his character design. He has such a punchable face.
And yet they’ve failed to implement the one improvement that really matters. Why is Vaan still here?
I know I’m supposed to say that he was wrong and that was dangerous and he’s lucky.
Gamestop should give this kid something for trying to help out so bravely. Or stupidly, whichever makes you feel more like a cool internet commenter.
3) I think people greatly overestimate the benefit of martial arts training and greatly underestimate the strength advantage men have over women.
I totally lost my shit when this happened. Crash Bandicoot was such a big part of my childhood and I had a stupid grin on my face the entire time I played. I also loved the jabs about it taking forever to load and how people just want their games to be instantaneous.
I apologize for ever suggesting that Street Fighter games showed unrealistic depictions of women’s bodies.