This is it right here. And that means they haven’t been able to create any truly great games. That’s it. And so, interest is waning.
This is it right here. And that means they haven’t been able to create any truly great games. That’s it. And so, interest is waning.
Honestly, this is it. Your average person has no idea about the J.K. Rowling / terf stuff.
I just got the radio message for this mission last night, but it was deep in a high-level section of the map. Otherwise I would have done it immediately. Love me some Trejo.
They don’t like anything to take away the constant fear of losing your job, or just the general stressors that keep the populace yoked and cringing at the lash.
Like, after recently playing the Dark Souls games for the first time (and loving them), it is true that the difficulty is inextricable from both the story and the actual experience. A Dark Souls that isn’t hard basically loses the point of playing it. It’s hard to explain without having gone through the games.
Absolutely. His “terms” for meeting with the trans employees at Netflix were very clearly jokes, including the “admit this person isn’t funny” part. and here comes a whole article of “receipts” showing that that person is funny.
Yeah, I don’t understand how anyone could think that looks better. The finless version looks like a random piece of machinery.
Honestly, they probably omitted it because it’s TOO obvious. They didn’t include Hunger Games or Running Man, either. I actually like that it’s a list of things you might not be thinking of.
I’ve heard this a lot and I couldn’t disagree harder.
Acts don’t matter anymore. The new form of judgment is bad-faith crucifixion based on misquotes out of context.
Religious people have been slaughtered for their beliefs since the beginning of time. This ain’t it.
Yeah, I failed every one of those challenges. I think I lost two characters from being unable to just hold still.
If D&D was a product of India, I’d expect they use Indian measurements and cultural morays. And that wouldn’t upset me.
Kingdom Hearts dialogue has always sounded like a junior high school poet who got into MDMA.
Yeah, hectically driving like a maniac is part of the charm.
I hear all these jokes about the “Playstation Update” thing, but I haven’t had that happen on PS5 or PS4. Do you guys not put your console on “Rest?”
Absolutely. Whenever I hear a game is 80+ hours these days, I just groan. Like, I got shit to do and I don’t enjoy repeating the same four filler sidequests over and over again. It’s never a quality 80 hours. It’s a quality 20 hours with a donkload of padding.
Even Uncharted and Tomb Raider have been playing with more open-world aspects. Uncharted 4 (and the spin-off) both give you a big open map at certain points, with icons and bullshit to explore. And Tomb Raider does the same a few times.
I feel Ghost of Tsushima did a good job somehow making me care about map-fucking again. I think mainly it’s probably just the quality of the moment-to-moment interactions like fighting (and how, even near the end of the game, you couldn’t sleepwalk through fights and actually had to pay attention or get ganked).
Definitely. And like you said, not in a “critics are dumb/wrong” way, just that their absorption of the medium is so non-representative of how everyone else consumes games. And yeah, I don’t really know how to fix it, we just have to actually read the reviews and take them with that context in mind.