My partner was diagnosed with pretty aggressive cancer beginning of last year. This shit is too real for me. My partner is 36. Fuck cancer, seriously.
My partner was diagnosed with pretty aggressive cancer beginning of last year. This shit is too real for me. My partner is 36. Fuck cancer, seriously.
I found FFXV to be the first FF that brought be back into the series since 9. What a lovely story with incredible characters.
As someone who works in marketing, I’m completely baffled by their naming conventions. If I took any of these to my boss I would be laughed out of the meeting.
They should have just given it a name. I get they don’t want to do numbers because they’re behind Sony, but just give it a fucking name like a car model.
Yeah, I pretty much wish all games were 3rd person. I understand that’s unrealistic, but yeah, a game gets about -10 points for me for being in 1st person. Much of the reason I haven’t grabbed Cyberpunk for my PC is just that I’m not excited about 1st person.
Right? I consider this an absolute win.
It’s the perfect example of a fun movie I love that is NOT a good movie. And that’s okay! Once people recognize “what I like” and “what is quality” are two different categories, the internet will be a much happier place.
These kind of awards aren’t approval of business practices, they’re judging the final product. They’re judging the story, the gameplay, the music, and how effective the final work is at conveying what it’s trying to convey. They are judging what’s “on stage” and its worthiness as something to consume.
It’s funny, I see 500 “let’s see what the dumb fanbase is gonna say” to every 1 thing the dumb fanbase says.
Well, and there is a new trend I’ve noticed where people want a game/movie/book to bring up a question and ALSO give you the answer. Which is fine sometimes, but hardly the norm or the point of art.
Yeah, I noticed that too. The writer is like “it’s SO cyberpunk” like that’s a bad thing, or claiming that cyberpsychosis is “tired” because it was in Deus Ex. That’s like saying magic is tired because it was in Final Fantasy XII.
There are many reasons you shouldn’t see this movie and this might as well be one of them.
It’s the same reason the levels are too dark in the first place, and why movies have inaudible dialogue and ear-splitting action that I have to fucking DJ so I don’t get evicted.
Throw your Switch in a ziplock bag and game in the hot tub? Can’t beat it.
Totally. And like, “oh noes, the millimeter of tiny gold trim on my two-inch character’s blouse isn’t photo-realistic.” Literally who cares.
That’s part of it, for sure, and there are plenty of bad dads out there. They also make for better drama.
Yeah I have the PS4 I’ve always had and the only thing I’ve noticed is a loud fan. Which, like, okay. A little annoying, but comparing it to the shitshow that was the 360 is a bridge too far.
Honestly, the Wii.
He and Nick were the only reasons to watch that show.
Oh shit, it’s Kyle Raynor! Who is, as you know, the best Green Lantern. I would’ve loved to play this game.