
Yeah, dude won the most crushing election in history, winning 49 of 50 states. Many, many people liked (and like) Reagan. 

Ah, I see. They didn’t portray him as a slouching, slavering ghoul and so it’s a “right wing fantasy.” 

I used to bounce off the Souls games for their difficulty, and it really annoyed me that I couldn’t play these games that everyone was raving about. Eventually I threw myself at Dark Souls 3 enough times to figure it out, then I went on to beat the rest of them. They really are fantastic games, and the “difficulty” is

If you have a gaming PC there’s literally no reason to own an XBone. Or a Series X, probably.

Here’s the thing. You can’t believe people ONLY have kids because of the “biological imperative,” unless you also want to say that a man cheating on his wife with a bunch of women is okay because “its biology” to spread the seed.

I disagree. The series is about assassins and templars in a fight spread across time. The modern day cutaways are unnecessary, the series already has a shared mythology and plenty of connective tissue between protagonists, groups, imagery, and goals.

Ah, man, it’s got the Illusion of Gaia booklet! That thing had a full walkthrough of the entire game and my dog ate it when I was a kid. Heartbreaking. 

Games Media: “We need game companies to deal with all of the toxic behavior in their games!”

I’m all over the place, generally, with gender and ethnicity, body-type and hair, etc. However, I do tend to play human more often than not when presented with multiple races. Maybe just decades (if not centuries) of the human being the audience entry point to a crazy fantasy world makes them feel more like a

I mean, it is the FIRST definition and the most common usage of the word. That’s like saying if someone said “gay” and then insisted on defending it as “happy.”

What he’s saying is “her opinions about genitals don’t matter to the release of this video game about magical wizards that she had no part in,” which I don’t disagree with.

She sucks, and her views are silly (plus she’s oddly dogged about them), but it feels like people won’t be satisfied until WB . . . what? Strikes the entire IP from the Earth? That’s never going to happen, and I’m glad honestly.

It really is great. I know there’s some hubbub about it, but the fact that it manages to make the Metal Gear Solid series make sense and bring most of the plot lines to a reasonable conclusion should give it a gold medal in storytelling.

If the crime was “stealing a backpack” then no, they shouldn’t go to prison. I don’t know why people are finding this so difficult to understand. “Stealing” is not a violent crime. If he was also found guilty of “assault and/or battery” during the theft then yes, that would be violent.

For sure. All of the guys who live near me have big stupid angry trucks like this and they’re all insecure Trump supporters.

Mega corporation not handing out product for free, news at 11.

And the reward for “worst reading comprehension” goes to...

“We Still Have Questions About Spider-Man on PS5"

I agree. The take here should be “all non-violent offenders should go to prisons like this,” not “fuck her she should go to pound-me-in-the-ass prison.”

Yeah, the trifecta of PC, PlayStation, and Switch is really all you need. I really don’t see the point of an XBox.