
Most game I play on normal, but I have found that certain games benefit from an Easy Mode.

+1 point for Penny Arcade and Nerf Now.

A person taking the completely sensible advice of any remotely competent lawyer so that the judicial system can work as intended? *shocked Pikachu face*

Eh, they were pretty clear about it being multiple parts YEARS ago. And considering its hardly a shot-for-shot remake and more of a sequel with a greatly expanded world, combat system, and more story, this doesn’t bother me at all. 

I mean . . . consider what happens . . . the game going forward is kind of a new Final Fantasy entry at this point. Which I think was actually brilliant.

Exactly! The Last of Us 1 and 2 are primarily story games. If you feel the story is bad, that’s kind of the whole game and your opinion on it AS A GAME is certainly valid.

I agree. People aren’t expressing this stuff just to be mean (some, sure, people are horrible), many are legitimately upset.

Exactly. If video games are art than they can make artistic choices that make you feel a little weird. If it’s relevant to the message of the game I don’t see the problem. Maybe they *want* you to feel uncomfortable, that’s a total valid feeling for art to invoke.

Video games are art, right? Don’t we agree? It seems weird that the author of this article smooshes all video games down to “expensive product.” If it’s art and it’s re-purposing the poem to introduce it to a ton of people who haven’t heard it before, and its relevant to the slow creep of fascism/racism/persecution, I

Half the fun of Scrabble is finding dirty words to spell out.

Also Pikachu finally turns into Raichu, but it turns out all Raichu’s are wifebeaters. And Ash turns evil and dies from autoerotic asphyxiation.

It’s not even a coherent movie much less a good Star Wars movie.

Oh, I’m aware, I’m well-trained in firearms and recognize a few basic tips will stick with you if you have half a brain.

I was gonna say the same thing, haha. I was like “Wow, good trigger discipline. You don’t see that very often in crazy civilians.”

I swapped mine out with a combo HDD/SDD too, but mine was loud before and after. 

Shit, even playing the Resident Evil 2 Remake turned my PS4 into a Pratt & Whitney F100 turbofan F-15 engine.

If your moral/ethical convictions begin and end at the law, you’re not a good person.

Yup. How about banning “convicted or admitted.” That works better for me.

Yeah, it’s not for me but I could not give a shit. It sounds like about 50% of the romance novels out right now, nothing terribly shocking. 

Agreed. This isn’t assault or a crime. If being a sleazeball meant you can’t have a job than the economy would crash tonight.